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Circle drawing problem - continued

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Yup, you're right. It looks as though our ellipses and circles are asymmetrical. I believe I've fixed this now (our drawing was off by 0.5 pixels), but I'll need to do some more testing to make sure I haven't made things worse or broken some other scenario. Thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

I said "no screenshot" again, but I think I had to.. Because the only relevant response that came from the developers was that "make sure you have version 2.1 etc." Sticky.. Here is what you couldn't handle OR handled but couldn't put in version 2.1b:


Am I missing sth?


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The sticky is out of date (oops, my bad). It now correctly says to make sure that you have v2.5 installed. I did make some changes to how we tell GDI+ to draw circles, but that does not guarantee that you will get "perfect" circles, for various reasons.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, but it's still not fixed in v2.5 :( Try drawing a 4x5 ellipse with brush size 1 pixel, then press Shift and see!

But as far as you trust gdi+, i got nothing to say. I expected you have drawn your own drawing routine. However, gdi+ may still be free of errors, and the problem may still be yours! I think the problem arises because in Paint.NET v2.5, a circle is drawn to contain the point where it's started to be drawn. That way you have to make some good calculations so that the diameter of the circle is the distance between the point you draw from and the point you draw to. Afaik, you need to have a Rectangle instance to draw an Ellipse in gdi+. If you can succesfully apply the idea of "contain the point which initiates you" to a square and check the results, it's easy to apply it to circles, too.

Thanks in advance..


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