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Change detection request.

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Thank you for creating a great open source application that is a joy to use. I am using version 3-beta 3.

Sometimes i'll have more than one document open at the same time (a feature that I just love, thank again). If I make a change in one document and have not saved yet, then can the borders surrounding the document in the tabbed view be made reflect that state? Basically if the change is in the current document then its border should be bright red. If the changed document is not the current one then when the mouse hovers over the preview the border should be a light pink or something. Just a suggestion.

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I *think* I know what you mean. It may be a good idea, but if the picture is named "Untitled", chances are that the picture isn't saved. And in the drop-down tab thing, if you don't see an extension after the title, it is an unsaved document. Like I said, I *think* I know what you mean.

"The greatest thing about the Internet is that you can write anything you want and give it a false source." ~Ezra Pound

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Unsaved documents are flagged, you just can't see it. By this I mean whenever you try and close out PdN or a document in MDI it will ask you if you want to save the changes made to the document.


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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