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I am fairly new to photo manipulation with software. I need to ask what may seem like a basic question/simple thing to do but I needed to know so I'll ask.


what I need to do is - I have a map of a country (clipart image - .jpg or .gif - I have software that can change the file type)  but it has that rectangle background. I need to make the background clear so I can place the country on top of something else without that rectangle showing. I know Photoshop can do it - but I can't afford it (I know it's subscription now but I don't want a subscrip - plus then I'd have to take training) and last time I played with Photoshop was probably 4-5 versions ago. Can Paint.net do it and if so is it hard?


Thanks for indulging me, a neophyte.








Read this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12196-making-backgrounds-of-images-transparent/


If you are new to Paint.NET (or graphic editing in general), I suggest you take a look at the tutorials section.  Try a few of them just to get your feet wet.


Start here:  http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/20-beginner-tutorials/

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