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Rainbow Torus


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Plugins needed:






Object Align



Radial Blur



Outline Selection






1. Add a new layer






2. Draw a horizontal line



Brush width: 1



Color: black



Press and hold Shift Key and draw the line






3. Object Align - Center both






4. Add a new layer






5. Draw a vertical line



Brush width: 1



Color: black



Press and hold Shift Key and draw the line






6. Object Align - Center both 






7. Merge Layer Down






8. Add a new layer






9. Draw a filled circle



Color: 00FF21



Press and hold Shift Key






10. Object Align - Center Both (CTRL+F)






11. Add a New Layer






12. Ellipse Select and make a inner circle



Press and hold Shift Key






13. Paint Bucket and fill selection (color will be green as in step 9)






14. Deselect and run Object Align - Center Both (CTRL+F)






15. Magic Wand and select again the inner circle






16. Merge Layer Down






17. Cut selection









18. Magic Wand and select again the inner circle. Add New Layer






19. Move Selection and adjust the shape of selection as shown below









20. Effects > Selection > Outline selection















22. Duplicate Layer






23. Layers > Rotate/Zoom



Angle: 90









24. Merge Layer Down twice






25. Eraser - brush width: 40 and delete arch of ellipse as shown below









26. Merge Layer Down twice






27. Magic Wand - Tolerance 50% and select area as shown below









28. Add New Layer






29. Paint Bucket - Color: red - Fill selection






30. Repeat steps 28 - 29 thrice and change only the color: Yellow, Blue and Green = 00D100









31. Deselect






32. Make invisible Layers 2, 3, 4






33. Layers > Rotate/Zoom



Angle: 90






34. Select Layer Down = 7






35. Layers > Rotate/Zoom



Angle: -180






36. Select Layer Down = 6






37. Layers > Rotate/Zoom



Angle: -90






38. Select Layer 8






39. Merge Layer Down thrice.






40. Radial Blur: 40








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I think your new ring tutorial needs to have it's own thread as it has a totally different effect.



<discussion split into new thread>

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welshblue, as I said, you're the king.

Polar inversion is indeed a very powerful tool and your ring looks much better.

Sorry, I will stop posting stupidity.



doughty, actually I posted this in the thread torus or ring because you wanted to know how I did the twisty ring.

That was the method, I used two colors and linear gradient, then Traill different angles to fill the empty pixels and finally Adjustment > Curves.

I thought you'd understand.

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I thought you'd understand.


I did understand (I think), just thought that this would get more attention in its own thread...and it has. :)

Thank you EER.


I've got a few versions. This one I ran the Donut plugin on it.




Welshblue, I never understood Condition Hue/ Saturation. I made one of your rings using it...pretty. Still don't understand it.

Yellowman, I'll watch your video.


Edit: Re-posted image.

Edited by doughty




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Yellowman, I think you need your own thread. The results are similar to Klaxxon's, but made so differently and I don't know where to post my result from your tutorials. :glum:


Maybe EER can wave his magic wand again.




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How many Tori tutorial does the forum need? 


As Welshy said yesterday (post #7 in this thread) - tutorial are jumping-off points.  So these kind of belong together.


If Yellowman wishes he can post his technique in a new thread.  I have no issues with another tutorial.

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@Minners71, that's awesome, has a good illusion in it.!

How many Tori tutorial does the forum need? 
As Welshy said yesterday (post #7 in this thread) - tutorial are jumping-off points.  So these kind of belong together.
If Yellowman wishes he can post his technique in a new thread.  I have no issues with another tutorial.

I think it doesn't worth a separate thread, as the video doesn't comply with the tutorials rules and requirements,
I will remove it from here, and create, maybe, a written version when I have time :)., thanks for liking it

I think you need your own thread. The results are similar to Klaxxon's,
but made so differently and I don't know where to post my result from
your tutorials. :glum:
Maybe EER can wave his magic wand again.


Until EER splits YM's idea into its own thread I will post my one here,I call it Metal Rose.


You can post it in your own gallery thread. :)

Edited by yellowman
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How did you come up with this tut ?were you able to see the result in your head and know which plugins to use or did it just come from experimentation ? 


Here's something combining this tut and WB's chain links.



Edited by minners71
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Minners71 - ^ that is glorious!  Liking the new sig too ;)

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How did you come up with this tut ?were you able to see the result in your head and know which plugins to use or did it just come from experimentation ? 


Here's something combining this tut and WB's chain links.

If you're asking me, then to answer your question is actually both,

What I do first, is try to analyzing the final (existing image) then try to go back to its principles,

through the way back in my mind, I can imagine some how what plugins could be used to get the required effect,

of course, I can find more than one way to rebuild it, but with my experience with PDN, plugins and experimentation, I choose the method that gives me the most fine clean result plus shortest with less layers and less freehand touchups, so to be almost 100% digital.

but the problem it is not easy "even to me" to remeber the exact steps of the method, that's why I record them as videos and post them online, to use then when I need so I don't go again through the analysation.

Not sure if this make sense to you. :)

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