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? about removing "A NOVEL" from a (different) ebook cover

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Question #1) I've heard it said by many people that having "A NOVEL" (as in my cover) is amateurish and unnecessary. Do you agree and think it should be removed?


Question #2) If you answered yes to #1, do you have a suggestion as to how I might effectively remove A NOVEL (using paint.net)?


Thanks very much. (And sorry about the repetitive posts.)

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It could do without the "A Novel". Just kinda looks a little funny in the midst of that huge title :) If it's on its own layer, you can just delete that layer. If it's on a layer with other text, use the rectangle selection tool and select and delete just that. If it's all one image, then you may have to import the gun image on another layer and use it to mask around the text.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I'm just trying to cover all the bases.

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Ditto to what Daniels said...minus the "wall of text" - I am female - I use my allotted 10,000 words a day & a few blokes' share too so they don't go to waste :D


Again the all caps thing, space...but it isn't awful by any means, in fact it is quite dramatic with the colours. "a novel by" isn't too bad in this one. If it isn't on its own layers, leave it alone IMHO :D


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Thanks Daniels. Unfortunately I didn't do this cover (my bad--should've mentioned that in my post)  so I have no access to layers. But I may hear back from the guy who did it. Thanks for getting back to me. (I'll definitely make use of your tips in the future.)

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Ditto to what Daniels said...minus the "wall of text" - I am female - I use my allotted 10,000 words a day & a few blokes' share too so they don't go to waste :D


Again the all caps thing, space...but it isn't awful by any means, in fact it is quite dramatic with the colours. "a novel by" isn't too bad in this one. If it isn't on its own layers, leave it alone IMHO :D

Thanks Barb. I didn't think it looked too bad on this one either. And don't you Aussies always say "cya"?




P.S. How about Adam Scott winning the Masters!

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