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Lens distortion correction updated(20130501)

Guest hihellohi

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Guest hihellohi

It is able to show EXIF, correct distortion image, etc.


Thank you!


DLL file is in blog linked [edit by EER: - attached zpped DLL at the foot of this post]





pyrochild says:

The download link is here:


Here's the UI:



Edited by Ego Eram Reputo
Attached zipped dll.
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Most users of this forum use English.  


In order to assist our users to find your plugin, can you please either provide an English link on your blog or zip the file and attach it to the above post?  Thanks.

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Is there a certain reason why this plugin dll is credited and copyright 2008 Madjik ? 

I downloaded it following Pyrochild's pictures, yet the description say's it is a light ray effect :/



Edited by Lloyd


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  • 2 months later...

Most users of this forum use English.  


In order to assist our users to find your plugin, can you please either provide an English link on your blog or zip the file and attach it to the above post?  Thanks.


It seems the above link is not posted on the Corean blog anymore.  I made a google search for a download source outside Paint.Net and came also empty handed.  This seemed to be a nice plugin to use, maybe contacting the author and fixing the download problem would be nice.

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I think I have a copy of the plugin.  I'll attach it to the first post in this thread when I find it.

Edit: done. Dll is now attached to the first post.

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  • 8 months later...

I did give this plugin a go but found it too confusing (may say more about me than the plugin). So I've been using http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=7216 - very simple but, despite concerns expresssed on that thread, seems to work fine.* I'm content.


But if this one is better and someone can provide an idiot guide to how the various doodads correct pincushioning and barrelling, I'll try again. Still not sure I'll be happy that it opens in a separate, smaller, harder-to-see-what's-happening window, though...





* EDIT: Although it's true that if you push that simple lens correction tool too far in either direction a line appears down the middle of the image. I only use a tweak, up to -8 tops, to correct any visible pincushioning from my Oly 35RC's negatives, so it's not a problem for me. So far.

Edited by HCEarwicker
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