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Layer Scaling handles in zoom?

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Is it possible to use the scaling handles (nubs?) on a layer when it is zoomed in?


I'm working on a technical drawing with several imported layers and fairly high resolution (600 dpi). All areas of each layer must precisely register with corresponding points on the other layers.  However, as they were imported, there were several pixels difference between them. If I zoom out to the window, I see the scaling handles at the edges and can move any side or corner to rescale the layer, but the resolution is too low to see the image well enough to place it precisely.  If I zoom in, I no longer can access the scaling handles.


I would like to zoom in to one corner of the image and align all the layers, then go to the opposite corner, zoom in, and adjust that corner into alignment without changing the first corner.



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If you use the Rectangle selection tool first, you can control which area you are resizing with the Move Selected Pixels tool.


You can also resize the selection without resizing what has been selected by using the Move Selection tool.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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