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Questions of a Newbie

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Hello, I am just starting Paint.net and Im starting to get used to this, I've Got the basics down already, but I have some questions that I am unsure of, can anyone help?


1: Using Line,Paint brush and bucket, there is a wiindow saying "Fill" If I use Dark Down Diagonal, how do i change the White to another colour?


2: How do i tilt Text? Im sure that is an option...


3: is there a way I can blur any blocky odd parts out? Say I draw a Smooth circle and fill it with red, there will be white particals, Is there a way to blur them out?


4: Can I put a glowing/shining effect on one specific part, kind of like Gimp2's "Supernova"?


That is all, I hope I can figure this out, Thank you.

Edited by nothingtosee404
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0. moderators or admins, in the case of a post with multiple questions, what would a "descriptive" title look like?

1. To change the white color, just change your secondary color.

2. If by "tilt," you mean rotate, put the text on its own layer, select it with rectangle selection, and right-click and drag

If you mean something else, please attempt to clarify or provide and example image. Thanks!

3. Increase your paint bucket tolerance until you don't get any (in the case of an outline on a transparent background, use exactly 69% tolerance for best results). If that's not what you're talking about, a screenshot would help clarify your question.

4. I'm not entirely sure how to get exactly that effect, but if you put a big white dot on its own layer, use dents, then zoom blur set to the center of the dot (repeat zoom blur if one isn't enough), then gaussian blur, you should be able to get something similar.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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I'll see if I can give my own insight to this.


1#                   Already Answered


2#                   Right-Click or open up the Rotate/Zoom tool (or Ctrl+Shift+Z) and just the rotation feature.


3#                   Already Answered


4#                   My way of doing it:


                       -Stick a white dot in the middle of the page and apply Frosted Glass to about 3-4.

                       -Apply a Zoom Blur Deluxe with full zoom & high quality. Do Ctrl+F a few times and play with blend modes to get the ideal result :)


                       I am hoping this is what you mean. I have never actually used GIMP. (I just googled the effect name...)

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0. moderators or admins, in the case of a post with multiple questions, what would a "descriptive" title look like?

1. To change the white color, just change your secondary color.

2. If by "tilt," you mean rotate, put the text on its own layer, select it with rectangle selection, and right-click and drag

If you mean something else, please attempt to clarify or provide and example image. Thanks!

3. Increase your paint bucket tolerance until you don't get any (in the case of an outline on a transparent background, use exactly 69% tolerance for best results). If that's not what you're talking about, a screenshot would help clarify your question.

4. I'm not entirely sure how to get exactly that effect, but if you put a big white dot on its own layer, use dents, then zoom blur set to the center of the dot (repeat zoom blur if one isn't enough), then gaussian blur, you should be able to get something similar.

Thank you so Much,PndNoob! It really helps to know this kind of stuff (Sorry, being new to this I am as clueless as a brick!) Im sorry about number 4, It went better then I expected! number 2 was mostly right, i'll stick to it. Thanks ^^

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0. moderators or admins, in the case of a post with multiple questions, what would a "descriptive" title look like?

"I have FOUR questions" :lol:

Seriously, there is no easy way as you have spotted. I like to encourage one question per post. Additional discussions get moved to another thread if they become long. In this case I think inserting the first question in the title would have worked: "Fill Pattern colors & other questions." However I'm not going to play the Rule Ogre on this one ;)

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