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putting transparent image over background

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Hi Renee - you can try putting your ghostly transparent figure into a new layer, above your fiery image, and play with the layer's Blending modes, and the opacity as well, plus a bit of Gausien Blur .  Hope that works for you :smile:


Edit:  I put a photo into a layer, then put the swan into a layer above the photo, changed it to "additive" and got this:


Hope it's what you are looking for:



Edited by nanettealsop


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Thank you, Nanette! Yes it is sorta. I want a face to show as the "ghost" but I guess I can play with the blending modes--I'm such a kultz that I have to ask if I find Blending modes under the Layers tab. And I have NO idea of how to do a Gausien blur, but I think this is as good  a time as any to try to learn.


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To change the layer blend mode, just double click on the layer in the layer window and pick a blend mode from the drop-down list (the default blend mode is "normal")


Gaussian blur is quite simple, actually, so I'm sure you'll learn it quickly! Go to the "effects" menu and find the "blur" submenu and click on "Gaussian blur."

Then, all you do is move the slider to choose how much blur you want and click ok.

Edited by pdnnoob

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