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plz help me , i cant run Paint.NET source code!!!

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plz help me , i use vs2012 and windows 7 

when i compile Paint.NET source this error show :




Error 1 The command "@rem Embed manifest
call "G:\paint\src\Manifests\embedManifest.bat" "G:\paint\src\SetupFrontEnd\bin\Release\SetupFrontEnd.exe" "G:\paint\src\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml"
call "G:\paint\src\Manifests\embedManifest.bat" "G:\paint\src\SetupFrontEnd\obj\Release\SetupFrontEnd.exe" "G:\paint\src\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml"
@rem copy English strings over
copy "G:\paint\src\\Strings\Release\PaintDotNet.Strings.3.resources" "G:\paint\src\SetupFrontEnd\bin\Release\"
@rem Sign
rem call "G:\paint\src\signfile.bat" "G:\paint\src\SetupFrontEnd\obj\Release\SetupFrontEnd.exe"
rem call "G:\paint\src\signfile.bat" "G:\paint\src\SetupFrontEnd\bin\Release\SetupFrontEnd.exe"
" exited with code 1. SetupFrontEnd
Error 2 Failed to load file "G:\paint\src\bin\Release\PaintDotNet.exe". The system cannot find the file specified. G:\paint\src\mt.exe paintdotnet
Error 3 Failed to load file "G:\paint\src\obj\Release\PaintDotNet.exe". The system cannot find the file specified. G:\paint\src\mt.exe paintdotnet
Error 4 The command "@rem Embed manifest
call "G:\paint\src\Manifests\embedManifest.bat" "G:\paint\src\bin\Release\PaintDotNet.exe" "G:\paint\src\Manifests\asInvoker.xml"
call "G:\paint\src\Manifests\embedManifest.bat" "G:\paint\src\obj\Release\PaintDotNet.exe" "G:\paint\src\Manifests\asInvoker.xml"
@rem Sign
rem call "G:\paint\src\signfile.bat" "G:\paint\src\obj\Release\PaintDotNet.exe"
rem call "G:\paint\src\signfile.bat" "G:\paint\src\bin\Release\PaintDotNet.exe"
@rem copy Interop.WIA.dll over
copy "G:\paint\src\\Interop.WIA\Interop.WIA.dll" "G:\paint\src\bin\Release\"
@rem copy WiaProxy32.exe over
copy "G:\paint\src\\WiaProxy32\bin\Release\WiaProxy32.exe" "G:\paint\src\bin\Release\"
@rem copy English strings over
copy "G:\paint\src\\Strings\Release\PaintDotNet.Strings.3.resources" "G:\paint\src\bin\Release\"
rem call "G:\paint\src\prejit.bat" "G:\paint\src\bin\Release\PaintDotNet.exe"" exited with code 1. paintdotnet
Error 5 Warning as Error: 'System.Drawing.FontFamily.GetFamilies(System.Drawing.Graphics)' is obsolete: 'Do not use method GetFamilies, use property Families instead' G:\paint\src\ToolConfigStrip.cs 1462 41 paintdotnet
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but paint.net is no longer an open source project, so you shouldn't be trying to open the source code anyways...

Edited by pdnnoob

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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parsiansoft you are about 1 step away from being banned from this forum. You posted your question here, and then rudely bumped it within 50 minutes essentially demanding that we respond to your hollering. And you sent me a private message with the exact same question (btw did you bother to even look at the rules?). The source code isn't available, and wasn't supported when it was. You're a shining example as to why this was and is the case.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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