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i am currently tryeng to write a title for an image.

I would like to have a outline to each letter, so i searched for a bit to find out i should click outline in the effects bar. this fills the entire image exept the text with white,. i wouldn't be too annoyed if i could change the colour or set the amout of outlining, but it is always white and always fills my image no matter what i do. are there any ways to fix these problems?


Open up paint.net and press ctrl+a then hit delete on your keyboard (this gives you a transparent background)

Now select the text tool by pressing "T" and write your text.

Now go to EFFECTS>OBJECT>OUTLINE OBJECT ( I have 2 versions one with a chinese symbol and one that looks like a eye ) and choose your colour and thickness.


In v4.0 plugins are getting their own icon to denote their status in the menus. This will make it easier to figure out which are plugins and which are built in effects.

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