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Hi all,

I hope I posted this picture link right....if i didn't please let me know ASAP.

Please feel free to comment on my work wether its complimentary or some harsh criticizim (give it to me with both barrels I can take it {I Think}). It may have taken me a while but I did a lot of practicing and getting use to the different tools but I finally did it :imhappehtoo:


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Thanks, Helen!

I will keep your advice in mind for my next project :mrgreen:.

Also I needed to thank Jim100361 for "How to make snow-white skin" and whoever (sorry i forget names easily) did the "colored eye" under distortion and modifications.


Welcome ,cool first piece and nice start to your gallery.Keep doing the tutorials that's where you will learn the different techniques and like what you have already done apply them to your own projects.Have fun and hope to see more soon. :smile:

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