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Tutorials for a special project

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I finally got all the states done and uploaded to Photobucket. I decided to make Missouri its own shirt then put Illinois & Kentucky on a shirt then Tennessee & Georgia on a shirt and finally South and North Carolina on a shirt so I don't have to cram 3 states onto one shirt. If I'm going to shop the design around I'm going to have to put the designs on a thumb drive as a digital file which I've never done before. Now for the dumb questions. This HP computer I'm using is a couple of years old. How much do thumb drives cost and where would you insert it in the computer? How would you actually do the download?

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You can get an 8Gb flash drive (aka thumb drive) for less than 10$. That should be plenty for your purposes. All you have to do is plug it into a USB port, which your computer definitely has if it is only a couple years old. To copy a file to the flash drive is just like moving files into a folder on your computer. There should be a pop-up window that asks what you want to do when you plug in the drive, so it should be fairly straight forward.

Wow...I didn't realize flash drives were so cheap all of a sudden. 64 Gb drives for only 40$!?

Edited by pdnnoob

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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The thumb drive was just $7 at Best Buy and I was able to get all the images moved onto it. I was even able to take it to a T-shirt and poster manufacturing facility today and they downloaded the images. They will put together quotes for both T-shirts and posters.

My original plan was to have state maps on the shirts and show the path across the state with the cities listed in the path. I was afraid that might look too busy and be hard to see unless I just limited it to the very largest cities. I was also not able to find good clipart of the individual states on the web. I would need just the outline. I would need to be able to show adjacent states on shirts with 2 states. If I could find acceptable clipart it occurred to me I could put a map on the back of the shirt. Does anyone know of anywhere I could get state outlines I could use? Since they're originating outside of paint.net can I change the color of the outline in paint.net? I'd want to make it white if it isn't already.

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You could try creating your own:

Download a solid shaped state image and open it in paint.net.

Duplicate the layer

Resize the duplicate layer so it is slightly smaller (but still centered above) the lower image.

Use the magic wand and click in your smaller version state image

With this still selected, go to the layers pane and click on the bottom layer to make it your active layer.

Now press the Delete key on your keyboard. This should "hollow out" the lower image so you now have an outline.

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I'm not getting that to work. I follow the steps but at the end when I hit the delete key but the image doesn't hollow out. I was using this image: http://www.freeclipartnow.com/geography/us-states/oregon.jpg.html . Not sure what I'm doing wrong can someone can walk me through this? The state images all have the yellow star in them indicating the capital so we need to get rid of that too. What I wanted to do was have the white state outline against the same dark purple background and have the inside of the state with that same color. I would use the live/curve tool to put in the path and list a few of the larger cities in the path both in white. I'd probably also create a small eclipse in the path.

I did get the quote they wanted $5.68 a shirt for 100 shirts and $1 for 100 11 x 17 posters and that was if we had designs on the front and back of the shirt. Another option would be to have two designs for each state just on the front one with the map and the other with the list of communities and buyers could take their pick. Hopefully that will save money.

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I started putting together a series of screenshots to put together a tutorial for you. However, when I was scaling down the duplicated layer, I encountered a problem:


I was using the shift key while I reduced it, which kept the image in proportion. But as you can see, there is the one section which does't fit well and using the method I was previously describing, will result in a missing section if we were to proceed further.

So, I came up with an alternative:


Notice the search criteria: "Outline State of Oregon". As you can see there are some alternatives out there.

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I actually did it! I created a shirt design with a map on it the way I want and uploaded it to Photobucket!

I actually had seen those other clipart images of Oregon but I figured I probably did need to at least try the suggested procedure just to learn how to do more things. When I did the search a link came up right away and said the images were free which is where I got the 1st image that was filled in blue. Anyway, what I did was download just a black outline of the state of Oregon and went to adjustments and invert colors which I clicked on. That turned the black outline white then I merged it with the background and presto! A white outline against the dark background. The rest was easy although I noticed after uploaded it I had left out the apostrophy in 'Dont Miss It!'. Is there a fast way to fix that so I don't have to re-create the shirt?

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I did fix the Oregon map and uploaded it to Photobucket. I had to use the rectangle tool because I couldn't get the clone stamp tool to work, it wouldn't completely erase the line with the missing apostrophe or else it would copy parts of the text or map on other parts of the canvas and I couldn't remove those perhaps Yellowman can walk us thru how to use it correctly. The next map is Idaho but so far I haven't found a free clipart map of it yet.

One other question: If I'm creating the eclipse path with the line/curve tool can I in effect copy the northern edge of the path and paste it where the southern edge should be so they appear even? I had to do the two edges for Oregon separately and while I think it looks OK (maybe someone else might not find it that way, please say so) there wouldn't be an evenness issue if I could just copy and paste it.

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The Clone Stamp actualy doesn't erase pixels, it just replaces them with another pixels copied from the same image/layer or different layer.

You just need to know which area to choose from the surrounded pixels to use it to cover the unwanted pixels,

I am not sure how detailed the image/background is, if it is just a one single solid color, then the rectangle tool you've used is fine.

And to repeat same path, try to make it on its own new layer, then duplicate the layer and move it with Move Selected Pixels :MoveTool: tool, or move it by Pan of Layer Rotate/Zoom tool

I liked the subject and inspired me to create this ,I hope you don't mind if I post it here :)


Moon is real Moon photo

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I created the Idaho and Wyoming maps and uploaded them to Photobucket. I'm spending a lot of time looking for free clipart state images since so many images cost money to download. I've had another person tell me today they like the idea of a map rather than a community list. They even suggested putting the map on the back of the shirt and just a large image of the eclipse maybe something like Yellowman created on the front. I wonder if maybe it might work better if the map is on the front and the large image is on the back, that way people can see what it's all about as you face them.

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Here's a website where you can get blank outlines of states: http://www.your-vector-maps.com . The blank outlines are free, if you want colored maps or maps with cities or counties or whatever then those you pay for. I don't see a terms of use link which shows up on so many websites. The terms usually specify that you can download the image for your own use but you can't use it to sell anything. The fact there doesn't appear to be a terms of use link makes me think I should be OK to download the image and use it. Maybe I'm wrong does anyone know more about this issue? Does anyone else see anything on that website that might raise a copyright issue?

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Maps of Nebraska-Kansas and Missouri are uploaded to Photobucket but I've run into another roadblock. I'm trying to do the map for Illinois and Kentucky and while I was able to import a map of Kentucky and then trace over it (very hard because of its irregular shape) to get it onto the canvas I can't do the same with Illinois. That's because I'm importing another blank white space with the outline of Illinois on it and thus I can't see where to join the two states because of the white space underneath the outline. I've tried tracing over Illinois but then I can't move that. Is there a way to trace over the image of Illinois and be able to move it around so I can place it where it needs to go?

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Where did everyone go?


I finally got the Illinois-Kentucky map figured out and uploaded to Photobucket. I had to import the outline of Illinois on one layer then create another layer that I could use to actually draw the map of Illinois joined to Kentucky. I had to put the image of Illinois off to one side and try as best I could to draw the map freehand while looking at the outline. Then all I had to do was delete the layer with the imported Illinois outline. It's probably not the most perfect map of Illinois ever but I think it will be OK for this.


Because the path is so small through both states I may do a map of just southern Illinois and western Kentucky so the path will be bigger but for now I just wanted to get these two state done so I have only 2 more maps to go Tennessee-Georgia and North/South Carolina.

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How you do things really depends on what you start with. It would really help if you posted a screenshot of what you are trying to do. It sounds like you figured it out, though.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Finally done with all the state maps and they're all uploaded to Photobucket!  I decided to do a map of just southern Illinois and western Kentucky so I could make the path of totality bigger. I decided to put Tennessee and North Carolina the same map so the path would look smoother. Because of the way the path goes over the two states I did a map of central and eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina.  I also put Georgia and South Carolina on their own map for the same reason although I have all of South Carolina and just eastern Georgia. I updated the community list designs to move those states around.


It turns out there is more than 1 Facebook page for the eclipse and I want to post a link to the designs on those. I also want to try crowdsource fundraising to help out with expenses. I wanted to start 1st with kickstarter.com for that although I understand there are other crowdsource fundraising sites. I wanted to ask the question on those sites which type of design do you like best the map or community list? Dumb question: If I post a link to the designs they should just be able to click on it and see the designs they won't have to log in or anything to see them?


A couple of other things I've found, here is a logo created for Hopkinsville, Kentucky where the eclipse will last the longest, 2 minutes and 40 seconds:




Here is a crowdsourcing request to document the eclipse by photo and combining all the photos taken into a movie:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Merry Christmas!


When I posted the photobucket link over at T-shirtforums.com I received comments such as the designs are way too basic so no one will buy the T-shirts or the eclipse is too far in the future for anyone to be interested now. There were suggestions I try to include a humorous design such as astronomy enthusiasts waiting with telescope or camera in hand to see the eclipse or possibly play up the once in a lifetime angle. They did direct me to the estetica design forum which I did go to and I've been having a fantastic discussion on how to punch up the designs. Here's the thread link:




Do anyone see a problem with Paint.net being able to handle any of the ideas that have come out in the estetica thread?

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I think along the lines of a concert tour style t-shirt, more punch for the shirt might indeed be called for. 


I believe for the front of the shirt a more photorealistic image would be great for starters.  Go back and look at Yellowman's image.  I think an image like his with an actual picture of the moon vs a simple black center would be better.  You could place a large one similar to it on the front, then the backside would be the State which you are targeting.  The State's image could be along the lines of the Hopkinton image in the link you provided in the previous post.  You could have the eclipse transitional stages over the state map itself with this image centered and on top with the various town's information in list form below the image.


This is simply a single individual's opinion, so maybe give it some thought and if you agree on the particulars, maybe solicit some thought from others in the forums to see if others agree.


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This is the way I've been leaning for the last couple of days or so which I just posted over at estetica:


This idea occurred to me: For the front have it say as I had suggested 'Total Solar Eclipse' (1st line up at the top) below it 'Monday August 21, 2017' Then a small map of the US with the path superimposed then below that 'The American Tour'. In the middle of the shirt have a gauzy blue background to imitate rock concert lighting with the phases of the eclipse going across from left to right and the actual total eclipse in the center. Below that at the bottom of the shirt have a rock concert crowd silhouette. I found many of those with this search:


For the back of the shirt have a dark colored brick or concrete wall as background then have a grunge-looking poster on it with the same 1st and 2nd lines at the top as the front but then have the state map with the path across it and below that 'Oregon Appearances' (or again whichever state) and then below that the community list. Possibly something from this search:


But then how would I give the text the same texture as the wall and poster?

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It's so hard to know what to do since so many ideas occur to me and everyone here and at estetica has good ideas as well. Even though I may be leaning a particular way does not mean at all that my feelings can't change. Possibly I could incorporate something like Yellowman's design for the total eclipse on the front of the shirt in the middle of the eclipse phases the have a graphic like the Hopkinsville one for the state on the back both as you suggested. I'll probably wind up with elements of everyone's ideas for the final design!

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OK, I just tried to combine the map and community list. My idea was to have the map with the eclipse path in the background as essentially a 'watermark' with the community list typed on top of it. Since I was going to try to make the front of the shirt look like a rock and roll venue I decided to use similar colors for the back that I would use on the front. I used the gradient tool to create the blue effect toward the center and I did a slight Gaussian blur to create the 'watermark' effect for the state. For the text at the top I used a font called Engravers MT and then the Arial Black font for the list. Now that I look at it though I wonder if it's too busy and I wonder if I made the state too big so that you can't see all of it very well thru the background near the edge and also the typing over it. I wonder if I should have tried to make it look more grungy so it would look more like an ad posted on a wall or light pole. I could still download an image of a blank poster on a brick or concrete wall but will probably have to pay for it since I'm not finding anything like that for free. I saved the image and uploaded it to Photobucket so everyone can see it which required 'flattening', that is all layers merged to create the JPEG image then went back to Paint.net and hit undo which separated the layers again so I can keep tweaking everything. I wonder if the color scheme is right or if I should have completely different colors for the back to make it look more grungy. I still don't know how to make the text grungy looking so it doesn't look quite so flat, I tried using the artistic-ink sketch effect but it didn't make it look much different. Anyway, what do we think about it what can I do and use to make it look better?

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  • 1 month later...

Haven't posted in a while things came up on my end. I approached a local company and gave them one of the state designs to produce a few shirts so I could wear them around and gauge reaction. I was going to have them put the state map on the front and the community list on the back. I can't believe how they punched up the designs including how they will look on the shirt which uploaded to Photobucket, you can see them here:


IdahoT-shirtproof_zps83c38c5c.jpg Photo by Celestine16 | Photobucket

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