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Star Glow effect

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If this fails to explain what I'm talking about and since I can't upload a screenshot to PdN, this will be my last post. And I realize that is leaving the door wide open to no reponses.

I have a book cover (proving that words and not graphics are my stock-in-trade) that I have used a purple gradient on as background. From dark at the top to lighter at the bottom.

I have the Titles--main and sub--on without some problems but that's another story. Just imagine them on the background.

I wanted lightning and so hand drew a bolt in white. It came out well except it has no "glow/shine" whatever.

So I decided to try Star Glow--and so far all I've done is experiment with the settings which has resulted in a worse situation with each try!

On the best try, I got the stars on the lightning--but only on the lighter part of the background. Where the gradient got darker, they were there but so faintly and in a redder color than those closer to the bottom, so hardly noticeable. That was not good.

Then to add to my problem with the best try, I also got a diagonal fairly wide white strip across the bottom. So in getting the star glow, I batted one for three: the stars correct only in the lighter part of the gradient, almost invisible in the upper, and the wide diagonal strip at the bottom!

If that fails to describe it so that someone can visualize it, then maybe I should quit writing as well as fighting graphics! :unimpressed:


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If you want the glow to be around the lightning bolt,there are several ways to achieve this. There are a few tutorials on lightning bolts in the tutorial section,I suggest doing a few of these first to get the idea. If what you are looking for is the glitter of stars then that is much more complicated and again there are tutorials for that. There are two plugins for this,Sparkles and Star Glow but I suggest reading the thread on each so as to understand how they both work,it takes awhile to get these figured out but stick with it and you will. I strongly suggest doing tutorials along the lines of what you are trying to achieve before starting your projects,it makes life much simpler.



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skullbones, I fear nothing in this is simple to me. But thanks for the suggestions. And could you tell me how to get the threads on Star Glow?

As for the lightning bolt, drawing it is the only thing I've done that I'm satisfied with! So if I can just get it to "shine" or glow or look more like the Light part of lightning, I'd like to keep it.

But then I know what pride can do--and it ain't pretty. :scanner:

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Star Glow is more of something to add a shine to images. If you want a lightning bolt to glow, I suggest just using the effect Glow. It's located in Effects - Photo - Glow.

Make sure the contrast is rather high and the brightness is at max. Play around with the radius for the results you want.

(Radius affects how far the glow is spread out. Brightness changes how bright it is. Contrast makes some areas lighter than others (In this case, you want a high contrast to get the glow to be brightest in the center.))

If you wish, I can send you a PM with either more details about this and/or teach you how to make screenshots.

P.S.: Don't give up.

'Civil disobedience is still disobedience.'


'↑ And that is how you confuse an atomic computer. ↑'


▬ Xžε⌐¡z○╖

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An easy way I have found to add the glow to the bolts is to duplicate the layer with the lightning bolts drawn on it. On the bottom layer of these two set your primary color to be the same color as your lghtning bolts,outline object at about 5 or 6,more if you wish. Then feather at about 5,then gaussian blur at about 50-60 or what ever level looks good to you. Now add a touch of gaussian blur to the top layer and maybe adjust the brightness a bit. I have also done this with three layers making the first or top layer white and thinner than the actual lightning bolt,while the other layers are a light blue. Just one of my crude ways of using pdn,lol,hope it works for you. ;)

I have also used the dents plugin along the way to give the lightning bolts more of a jiggly look,lol,(the only word i could come up with for it,lol)

Edited by skullbonz
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Thanks for your PM offer. I may well take you up on it. I checked your profile and I see our birthdays are only 3 days apart--but lots of years difference! I love Saggies! Being one myself.

Now I want to clue you on something: I was well into my project--writing vol. 2 of my historical fantasy parody "series," before I decided to try to do my own cover. So I haven't spent a lot of time with PdN. Instead I've been writing. The way I figure it is that I can always hire the cover done, but there's only me who can write my book. So that has priority. But I hardly sell so I didn't want to throw good money after bad and decided to try to do my own cover.

I appreciate your trying to help. I'm not sure I can do multi-layers successfully yet. And I did try glow but couldn't work it. Your explanation will really help a lot when I try.

And I get the message you were probably instructed to send. I'll limit my posting on here to nil.


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No! I'm not trying to get you to stop posting at all.

There is a lightning plugin made by Cookies and Ego Eram Reputo. It draws a lightning bolt along a grey gradient. Personally, I feel like

making my own lightning, but it's good for learning.

The Lightning Plugin can be found here. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=19792

I said I could PM you, not you keeping off the forums and just PMing. I find PMing easier to keep track of and it just feels cleaner than forums posts.

Don't stop posting! I (and many others, I am sure) would love to have you stick around!

P.S.: Our birthdays are only days apart? Cool. :D

Edited by Xzerizon

'Civil disobedience is still disobedience.'


'↑ And that is how you confuse an atomic computer. ↑'


▬ Xžε⌐¡z○╖

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@Cookies and I collaborated, as Cookies had some wonderful improvements in mind for my original plugin.

You can find his (much better) version here: Lightning

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