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A line drawing, with the Whole part in light shading and the primary part in dark

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Assume a drawing of a House.

Draw the outline of the House in faint lines.

Then put the Furniture or Appliances in place in a Darker set of lines.

Or a Camper in light lines with the Wheels and axles in darker lines.

When I erase something those accursed Blocks appear.

A line bends at the end where I try to start off in another direction.

Where is the Tut for these simple problems?

You have a great site going here. So many people are doing so well with it.

And I just cannot seem to make anything work.

Somebody adopt me please!!!!

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Here's a little insight into what Mr. Welsh was indicating:


The checkerboard (upper right of the image) is Paint.NET's way of showing that area is transparent. When you are operating with a single layer and erase a portion of it, you will see the checkerboard. When you add a new layer that layer is created as already being transparent - if you click on the add layer button (shown above) it will appear like nothing has happened on the canvas, but it will be evident in the Layers pane. Remove the checkmark in the Layers pane on the background image and you will see that the added untitled layer is a checkerboard (see image below).


You will note in the second image that Layers pane shows 2 layers and the "Layer 2" layer is represented by the infamous checkerboard. Also note that in this same image the "Background" layer is also highlighted. The highlighting indicates the layer you are working with. When you add a new layer, it'll become your "active" (highlighted) layer automatically. To switch back and forth between which layer you want to work with (which layer is "active"), simply click on the desired layer in the Layers pane and it will become highlighted and active. Also as indicated previously, removing the checkmark next to the layers turns the layer off and clicking back in the box will turn it back on. By turning it on/off you will likewise turn on/off whatever image is represented on that layer from what you see on the canvas.

So, what you want to do is start w/the drawing of your house, then add a layer and then draw your outlines on the new layer.

As far as the "adoption thing" is concerned, are you house-broken?

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Edited by jim100361
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