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Small Microsoft Office IME 2010 New Phonetic (Traditional Chinese) Input Method Bug.

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I use Microsoft Office IME 2010 for Traditional Chinese to input Chinese characters.

I've noticed that whenever I wanted to use the Text tool and have to text out both Chinese and Alphanumeric characters, I believe an input lock has been unproperly put in place. Clearly, there are no log files or anything.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Switch the preferred input method to "Microsoft Office IME 2010 for Traditional Chinese".

2. In Paint.NET, press T to use the Text tool.

3. Left click anywhere within the canvas, and type out any Chinese characters. There has to be at least 1 character.

4. Press Ctrl + Space to toggle / switch to "English input", basically changing the IME to other input methods. (Displaying the "EN")

5. Type anything.

6. Try toggling / switching back to "Microsoft Office IME 2010 for Traditional Chinese".

7. Notice that the IME itself changes its settings to "Alphanumeric Input Mode", instead of "Traditional Chinese". In-between, there are no actions executed to toggle "Traditional Chinese" to "Alphanumeric Input Mode". It happens automatically.

If it were to change input methods, shouldn't the input mode stays the same after toggling / switching modes? I don't know if other different input methods (or IMEs) behave the same though.

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Your best bet is to type the text into Notepad, then copy+paste it into Paint.NET.

Paint.NET isn't tested with IMEs, and there are no plans to fix this kind of stuff. Sorry.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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