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Where to get Paint.net

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I have noticed that yet again, despite members giving people the link to get pdn, they stil download a version chock full of malware programs.

The link provided here Direct Download will take them directly passed all the adverts on the page and simply ask them if they want to run or save. (personally I would opt to save, then run it later)

Just my suggestion, but any chance of pinning this so that just maybe someone will find it useful?


Edited by nitenurse79





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NN79, are you psychic? I uninstalled PDN this morning. Now using your link I have reinstalled it. However before I had a shortcut to it on my desktop and now don't. I will have to attempt that again.

And then--following everyone's instruction to read your instructions, I will use boltbait's tutorial on installing plug-ins.

After that with fingers crossed I will try to find the plug-in that was short, from a guy in I think Singapore, and showed how to easily tile a photograph (or graphic or whatever the correct word is.) for a background.

Wish me luck.


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nn79, I hate to be the one to tell you this but the newly downloaded PDN gives me a small window with a big ad! each time I click a blue link!

It certainly did not do this on the version I uninstalled. To say it is irritating and more work clicking more times is an understatement!

Back to uninstall and to try to find a "clean" version.

Edited by renee27
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Let me first say, that this reply is not intended to call anybody a liar, but at the same time I am more concerned about folks reading this and being misled. Now, it is quite possible that there may be some miscommunication going on here, but for the sake of argument I am submitting the below browser screenshots to illustrate that the info presented by NN is accurate:

This picture shows that when you place your cursor over the link NN provided, that it will show the download of the PDN installer:


A subsequent post to NN implied there was something wrong with this link and also indicated that a good d/l came from the blog site.

This screenshot is from the blog site and subsequent screenshots follow the links from there to the final download link. Again, mousing over the link shows where you will end up next:


This picture is the next site as shown in the previous picture:


And the next page as indicated in the previous screenshot:


And below is the final page and link. You will note that the mouse over the link shows the very same d/l that was shown in NN's post:


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I think you do mean to call me a liar! But since I see that the link has been changed from the one she originally posted--and the post was edited AFTER I told her that the link she provided was corrupt--I would suspect that we are talking apples and oranges.

Look, if you don't trust me on here, why should I bother coming back? I can get insulted enough on any forum. I didn't realize that I'd have document every statement. I could have easily--and even now I can tell you one of the pop up ads was for Shout's Color sheets. I recognized it because I use them myself.


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I edited the post at 09:25AM (uk time) on Saturday 15th September. I did not edit the link, I corrected some spelling. Look at the times of posting, how can I go into the future to edit something before you have even posted a reply to it?

People on here are trying to help you in everyway possible, it would be a shame for you to leave because of misunderstandings, but that's up to you.:|





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Guys, relax. As a kid of a heavily technologically impaired mother (sadly, much more so than anyone who has ever posted in this forum), I understand how frustrating things can get trying to explain things without being able to point them out on the screen. However, keep in mind that it is, without a doubt, even more frustrating to be on the other end trying to figure things out. There is no need to bicker over "you said I said he said she said." Like welshie said (yay welshie! :) ), there's enough strife in the world, so let's not add to it.

My first suggestion, and I apologize for throwing more technology at you, renee, is that you use firefox or google chrome as your web browser so that you can install the adblock plugin and never have to deal with those misleading ads. If you need help with that, feel free to send me a PM and I'll do my best to work it out with you.

My second suggestion is that we all take some time to cool off.

Let's start again with a clean slate, shall we?

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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There is no need to bicker over "you said I said he said she said."

I'm not bickering pdnnoob, I just don't like the accusations that I'm posting links to malware or fake sites, I edited the post long before Renee tried to download pdn. Help is always here on this forum, all people have to do is read it carefully. ;)





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Nitenurse79's link has been correct since before you tried it. If you had problems with it at any point, you may still have some remnant malware that is either redirecting URLs or just showing ads randomly.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Look, Folks, she's a lot younger and prettier and more capable with graphics than I can ever be, so I'm leaving your forum to you what owns it.

I told you what happened. Why would I make it up? And I have Malware protection, so I doubt that it came from here, but I have no idea. I just know I clicked nn79's link--no reading to that, honey!--and when I got there, I clicked a blue link in the help part and it gave me an ad for Shout Color sheets. I tried other blue links and always I got an ad first. If I deleted the ad and then clicked again, I got to where I should have been at first.

I'm sorry ya'll feel such corruption of your program is somehow a personal reflection on you--or me for that matter!

If I didn't know how to read carefully, what kind of books would I put out, full of typos, grammar errors, all the bit? Noob, thank you for trying to understand my position. And I'm more like your grandmother than your mother. And so far I've not had either the frustration or the personal attacks (no matter how disguised) from anyone except writing boards where they fight just for the fun of it!

Maybe I'll try GIMP.

Or you can read one of my books and get back at me! :)

Edited by Ego Eram Reputo
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This has gone on long enough.


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