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Red ochre's diabolical drawings - update 26th Sept 2024 (last page)

Red ochre

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Thanks Pixey!
I hope the height map is a useful starting point. I believe TR's Third dimension still has much un-explored potential.

Hope you are settled in to your new home and the alligators are well behaved! ;)


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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  • 2 weeks later...

I took some (blurry) photos of last night's lunar eclipse.

I've seen them before but now live somewhere with minimal light pollution, so had a wonderful view.

Unfortunately my camera skills don't do it justice... but it was magical!


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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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I borrowed the above sequence to make a quick test of the Spritesheet Animation plugin, then created another GIF with midora's animation filetype plugin for comparison purposes, and drew a few conclusions out of the little experiment. The first plugin is quicker to produce the final GIF but the quality isn't very good, which I suppose has something to do with its lack of dithering control. On the other hand, midora's plugin produces a better quality because of its dithering control, although it may be slower to produce a final result as one has to manually create each frame. So, I combined both plugins in order to acceptably simplify things and get the best out of both. The Spritesheet Animation plugin is very good at determining frame boundaries with its grid feature. Then I copied/pasted each cell of the grid into individual layers in a new image and saved it as an animated GIF with midora's toy. I wish everything were simpler with only one plugin to do the whole process, segmenting the source image into individual frames without the need to copy/paste individual selections, and of course allowing to control the dithering, but this is as good as I could get and I think it looks acceptably nice for a quickie :)



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Glad you both saw the eclipse Eli and Seerose, and thanks for commenting. ;)

Hi Max,
I also played around with different ways to make an animation using Midora's ImAgif plugin and an app that came with my laptop (Cyberlink Power Director).
It seems the windows live 'movie maker' won't install on windows 10.
I haven't explored Serious Sam's sprite-sheet animation plugin yet.

I opted to just show the sprite-sheet (using TR's PngSpritesheet) as compressing for animation seems to loose too much detail. Although the originals were quite blurry anyway.
(full zoom, low light, hand held and fighting against the camera's auto-focus).
In retrospect I should have set up the camera before the eclipse and read the manual first! :roll: :D

Anyway, well done for producing the animation and thanks for the comparison information! B)

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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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I think animations would look a lot better if they were animated PNGs, but I guess the format will have a hard time becoming a standard (if I'm not out of date with the news about the matter).


Anyway, regardless of quality, animating feels like fun in motion JC_cheesy.gif

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  • 5 months later...

Very nice, Red.  You always come up with something totally different!   :)   They do have an 'old world' feel to them. Cheers!   :beer:  :pizza:

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Many thanks Seerose! :)

And thank you Pixey!...I think if the first one was a real world wallpaper it really would drive people 'round the bend'! :D
(not least the poor person trying to align the seams). :/;)


I see you're heading for your two-thousandth post - congratulations! :cake:


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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