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Today we will be making my signature ^.^ It's also ideal for beginners, but I didn't know where to put it.


You'll need:

- Boltbait's plugin pack (we'll be using the Bevel plugin): http://forums.getpai...cember-12-2011/

- a simple background/texture/etc. The one that I used: http://dyingbeautyst...bokeh-113751417

1. Open up your picture of choice.


2. Create a new layer on top and fill it with white... then type in your text in black (Make sure that your font is thick!)


3. Select your text with the magic wand on the top layer and delete it.


Invert the selection, go to bottom layer (your picture) and delete that. Then delete the same thing on top and merge the top and bottom layer. Now you should have your colored text ONLY.


4. Select your text with the magic wand and then go to Effects then Selection/Bevel and tweak the settings until your text looks like how mine looks:


5. Hit okay and duplicate the layer. Select the text on the bottom layer with the magic wand and fill it with black and deselect. Next do a Gaussian Blur (tweak the blur radius until it looks something like this):


5. Use rectangle select and crop.


ET VOILA! You're finished, now wasn't that easy?

P.S. I'm sorry for not having exact measurements but each one will be a different size depending on the picture.



Sorry if I offend you but this tutorial is too simple and has been done many times before, check through the forum to make sure you are not repeating someone elses work first. Also as a new member I would suggest working your way through tutorials rather than writing them. Again no offense meant.


Sorry if I offend you but this tutorial is too simple and has been done many times before, check through the forum to make sure you are not repeating someone elses work first. Also as a new member I would suggest working your way through tutorials rather than writing them. Again no offense meant.

Too simple? Personally, I don't see anything wrong with posting a simple tutorial. There are a lot of newbies out there that would benefit from a simple tutorial like this. Second, I haven't seen a tutorial with this exact text effect. If it's been done many times before, can you provide us with the links to those tutorials that have the exact same text effect as this tutorial?


Too simple? Personally, I don't see anything wrong with posting a simple tutorial. There are a lot of newbies out there that would benefit from a simple tutorial like this. Second, I haven't seen a tutorial with this exact text effect. If it's been done many times before, can you provide us with the links to those tutorials that have the exact same text effect as this tutorial?

I'm not going to do your work or evgirls work for you that is what the search function is for, the only difference between this and the may tuts that show how to put an image inside text is the background she uses.

New users should be working through tuts rather than posting them ;)


I'm not going to do your work or evgirls work for you that is what the search function is for, the only difference between this and the may tuts that show how to put an image inside text is the background she uses.

New users should be working through tuts rather than posting them ;)

First of all, what automatically makes you think that someone who's new to these support forums are automatically noobs? New members can be a genius with Paint.Net for all you know. Maybe they just decided to share a nice little effect on here because they just felt like it. Like I said, and I still stand behind it, I don't see anything wrong with adding another "Simple" tutorial to these forums. They can use some new tutorials. The majority of them are pretty old/outdated if you ask me. Seriously though, what harm does it do? It's well written, easy to follow and well-organized. Damn, no wonder I don't see many new tutorials around here. People are afraid of negative feedback and/or having their topics closed for simply having a "similar" effect from other tutorials. So sad...


I totally disagree about that. Some of the old ones are still the best.

I didn't mean that as in they're not any good. I meant that many text effect tuts on here are old, as in date started.

Posted (edited)

The majority of them are pretty old/outdated if you ask me.

I didn't mean that as in they're not any good. I meant that many text effect tuts on here are old, as in date started.

From the rules about posting tutorials:

4. Always use search before writing tutorials, to see if it has been done before

I fail to see the logic of what the posting date of a tutorial has anything to do with it. If maybe a certain plugin that is utilized is now outdated and had not been revised, then yes, I can see how the tutorial itself may be affected (but you haven't demonstrated this is the case). Otherwise, I don't see tutorials as having some sort of expiration date if it still works.

Using your ideology would mean people posting tutorials all day long about the same thing until the cows come home. Do you really think creating 10, 12, 30 tutorials all reflecting the same thing is necessary and productive?

Edited by jim100361

Wow, it's amazing, and funny, how all you guys are making such a huge deal over one small tutorial. Whatever, I'm done. Mission accomplished for you guys I guess.


Time to step in methinks.

This tutorial is fairly simple, but does manage to chain together a number of steps in a nice flowing format. It does fall into the "posting a specific result & not a technique" category, but I do not consider this a fatal flaw.

ChitoDog & Minners71 have different views on the tutorial. This is good and I appreciate your differing views. See how we can agree to disagree and still have an adult conversation about it? (this is one of the things I like very much about this forum!)

EvGirl has put together a nice solid, simple tutorial. If we get the target audience right, they will benefit form reading it. So perhaps we just need to find the right audience?

<Moved to Beginner Tutorials>

(feel free to applaud)


Is Bezel plugin same as Bevel plugin?

In step "4" how could you apply the Bevel Selection if there isn't any active selection? I was just following the tute as a Noob....

Sorry, I was spelling it wrong the whole time.

And I'll fix it, thanks for letting me know ^.^


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