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Recoloring hair - how?

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The most I know how to do with paint.net is crop and maybe some layering. thats it. I have many pictures that I want to change the color of the hair/fur but when I do this it does not look real. You can tell its fake. Is there a plugin that I need to help with this? Or what? I really need them to look like real colors and not paint colors.

Also how to I remove text that was already there?

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Thank you! I realized after I made the topic that I didnt specify my need in the subject. I do know better.

Thank you for the help. The text I can figure out pretty easy. The hair thing seems to be pretty complicated and gonna take me just a bit to get it right. But Thank you for the links. Those are a big help.

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I'll sort out the topic title for you. In future all you need to do is return to the original post and edit it (using the full editor). This will give you an editable text box where you can retype the thread title.

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  • toe_head2001 changed the title to Recoloring hair - how?

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