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Suggestion/ Request for future releases

Hello everybody,

I’m new to the forum, although I’ve been using PAINT.NET, for a long time now.

Today, I’ve created an account in the Forum, because I would like to ask, if possible and desirable for the Developers and the program Users, the following:

- make the default Tool - Rectangle Select;

- make the default save file type - JPEG (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif);

- allow the users to change the default workspace background color (now, Hex: #C9D3E2);

I have read the Rules and the FAQ.

Please forgive me if this post is not on the right place, but I didn’t find it…

To finish I just would like to congratulate all of you, that have given us this fantastic piece of software (and for free)!

For me, I believe it’s the best freeware software available, counting all types for software/utilities/add-ons, etc.

Job VERY well done!

My best Regards,

from Lisbon, Portugal

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- make the default Tool - Rectangle Select;

You can do this yourself.


Under Tools > Choose Defaults

- make the default save file type - JPEG (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif);

Not going to happen.

Jpeg is a "lossy" file type. Paint.NET will alwasy default to a type that doesn't lose any information. That is why the default type for layered files is PDN and for single layered files is PNG.

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You can do this yourself.


Under Tools > Choose Defaults

I didn't knew that - never clicked that menu.... ops...

Not going to happen.

Jpeg is a "lossy" file type. Paint.NET will alwasy default to a type that doesn't lose any information. That is why the default type for layered files is PDN and for single layered files is PNG.

About the file type I understand... It's just, for now is the most used format, at leaste for me, and I wish I didn't have to change to it, everytime I save a fali. But no problem!

Thanks a lot! :)

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To finish I just would like to congratulate all of you, that have given us this fantastic piece of software (and for free)!

If by "all of you" you mean "all of Rick Brewster," ok :lol:

About the file format, though. I know it has been disputed quite often and is probably a sore topic by now, but is there any chance that it be like...o gosh this might take a few sentences...

So, at the moment, paint.net always chooses .png for single layer files regardless of all else. What if, instead, it chooses the same filetype as was previously selected within the session, but defaults to .png when started up?

Edited by pdnnoob

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Again it's the possible loss of fidelity issue.

Rick makes sure that Paint.NET will not lose image fidelity at the default settings. If you choose to alter the settings/filetype you've made conscious decision to do so. "Be it on your head" so to speak.

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Again it's the possible loss of fidelity issue.

Rick makes sure that Paint.NET will not lose image fidelity at the default settings. If you choose to alter the settings/filetype you've made conscious decision to do so. "Be it on your head" so to speak.

Right, but after you make the conscious decision once, is it not reasonable to think you may repeat that decision the next time you make it within that session?

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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The decision needs to be made on a case by case basis. Like driving a car. Just because you turned left at the last intersection doesn't mean it is safe to do so at the next intersection. boltbait.big_smile.png

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Prescience is one of the little known Mod tools. Let me know when you reach the next intersection & I'll tell you if it's safe... :lol:

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Do you realize how many "the road less traveled" jokes that caused my head to go through?!

Well at least if you are already working with a specific file type when you chose Save As you will default to the same type. Thankfully it doesn't force PNG.

At least we are not forced into the whole Export debate again on how to better do saving. Being of a different mindset, I dont care for that method even though I it could have saved me several times.


Gallery at PDN-Fans

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