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Color dodge blending mode doesn't work properly.


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When i use color dodge to simply repaint a car, the color is allways diferent from the chosen one and even doesn't merge down properly, on the other hand, sometimes tools crash, have to change it with any other and get back for it to work.

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A blend mode can be thought of as the glue that binds two layers together. The contents of both layers is combined to give the resultant composition. Thus the contents of both layers is important, as is the layer order. A > Color Dodge > B is not the same as B > Color Dodge > A.

When using color dodge as a blend mode, remember that light pixels will remain light, but dark pixels must be combined with other dark pixels to retain their apparent darkness.

Are you following this tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12560-how-to-re-color-cars/ ?

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Show us an image of what's not working and what you expect. If you expect it to work like another tool (Photoshop?) show us a screenshot of that tool working the way you expect.

Hi, thanks for answer. I got what i wanted following EER's tutorial but using Overlay blending mode, even though it's not perfect. It still get some dots between the surface painted with lines and the one with Paint Bucket that don't get painted (painted red) skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=0eb17f853b362b4a&resid=EB17F853B362B4A!131&parid=EB17F853B362B4A!105&authkey=!ANlmZjsbblAFkJY. Following EER's tutorial (Backgroung overlay layer 2) i got a solid color, where those dots whithout are well perceivable (painted yellow), the picture in the midle was made blendig the opposite way.

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A blend mode can be thought of as the glue that binds two layers together. The contents of both layers is combined to give the resultant composition. Thus the contents of both layers is important, as is the layer order. A > Color Dodge > B is not the same as B > Color Dodge > A.

When using color dodge as a blend mode, remember that light pixels will remain light, but dark pixels must be combined with other dark pixels to retain their apparent darkness.

Are you following this tutorial: http://forums.getpai...-re-color-cars/ ?

Hi, thanks for answer. I got what i wanted following your tutorial but using Overlay blending mode, even though it's not perfect. It still get some dots between the surface painted with lines and the one with Paint Bucket that don't get painted (painted red) skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=0eb17f853b362b4a&resid=EB17F853B362B4A!131&parid=EB17F853B362B4A!105&authkey=!ANlmZjsbblAFkJY. Following your tutorial (Backgroung overlay layer 2) i got a solid color, where those dots whithout are well perceivable (painted yellow), the picture in the midle was made blendig the opposite way.

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Looks like you're doing a fine job!

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