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Circles centered at source of drag

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The circle tool, in the standard paint.net tool set, anchors the a circle at the corners of the circle's "bounding box".

So when you want to draw a circle around a certain point - you have to center the circle yourself :(

I want to have the circles anchored to the point that I start the drag (centered at the point I hold down the mouse to start the drag).

If you imagine wanting to drawn a target (concentric circles) - you'll get the idea.

I cannot see a way to do this automatically in paint.net.

I have had a search in the forum & also looked at the plugin index and cannot see anything helpful.

Anyone help?

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Just so you're aware, Align Object is a plugin that has to be downloaded and installed. It is not an out of the box effect that comes with Paint.NET.

There are two versions of the plugin:




The latter link is the more recent release.

Drawing circles from the center point is something that has been requested before, so Rick (Paint.NET Developer) is aware that users are asking for it.

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