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I can't save some pictures

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I have used paint.net for several months, but I have a problem, now... Indeed, I can't save picture on my NAS (It works anywhere else). Each time I try, an error appears and a file is created in the location where I wanted to save my picture. The created file is named pictureName.pdn.0.pdnSave and if I rename it to pictureName.pdn , I realize it is the image I tried to save.

Can someone tell me where can the error come from ? And how to fix it ?

I'm working on Vista. My NAS is a Synology 409+.

Thank you !

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filename.pdn.0.pdnSave is the temporary file that Paint.NET saves to before it deletes the original filename.pdn, after which it renames filename.pdn.0.pdnsave to filename.pdn. It does this so that if there's an error while saving then it won't stomp over the original. Looks like your NAS is interfering with some simple rename and delete operations ... or, something.

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Network Attached Storage?

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@Rick Brewster, so you think the problem comes from my NAS ? Because paint.net is the only software that fails while saving files... And if it is from my NAS, have you any idea of what I should do to fix the problem ?

@Ego Eram Reputo, yes, by NAS, I mean Network Attached Storage.

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I have no idea if the problem is coming from your NAS, but I bet if you try to save to a local folder it'll work fine. And I have no idea what could possibly cause or fix the problem. Nobody has ever reported anything similar. It's not like I'm any kind of expert on NAS.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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