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Plug-in for single item cut out?

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Well, regardless of wrong place in the forum for this post, there is not a an equivalent in PDN. The process for getting near that is not as straight forward. There's a tut that shows "a" way to go about it, plus I've seen a ton of side comments about how to go about getting similar isolations using the magic wand or manual tracing techniques using alternative layers to get the outline. PS essentially does that step by taking some edge detection and other approaches to create a fuzzy logic of sorts to get the objects more or less isolated.

The tut is probably not what you need exactly ... it should help you grasp a little bit though on some techniques that could prove useful: START HERE

Hopefully EER or someone else can find the most recent "how to" mini-tut in text buried in whatever thread it was on isolating an object using multiple layers to get the selection. I'm not sure how to explain it at the moment.


Gallery at PDN-Fans

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If the background is uniform black or white then I always reach for AlphaSpace

If the background is uniform in some other color try the Magic Wand :MagicWandTool: with different tolerance settings.

If the background is not uniform, but is still pretty much one color, try Color to Alpha v2.2

If the background is still more complex, try the tutorial delpart linked to.

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If the background is uniform black or white then I always reach for AlphaSpace

If the background is uniform in some other color try the Magic Wand :MagicWandTool: with different tolerance settings.

If the background is not uniform, but is still pretty much one color, try Color to Alpha v2.2

If the background is still more complex, try the tutorial delpart linked to.

If the background is uniform at all, I usually go for the Grim Color Reaper...

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also perfectly acceptable :D

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