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Frisian translation 3.3 beta1

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Here is the first version for the Frisian language.

It stil needs some work, but that will come before final of paint.

Also caus Frisian isn't a supported language the language shows itself as France(FR).


With greetings

Berend Ytsma

Official Frisian translater of Opera, Maxthon, Avant, 7-zip


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Apparently there is a way to set up a custom locale (such as Frisian) for use with .NET Framework applications. Search for "custom locale" on blogs.msdn.com, or check here for a good starting point: http://blogs.msdn.com/shawnste/archive/ ... mples.aspx .

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Well some good news I think.

On my pc Frysk is now official usable in paint.net without changing it to Frans.

I made a change to FY-NL with works when your system has installed the Frisian language on it.

Here's a blog about making Winxp understand Frisian Blog

and here's thepaint file

Have fun with it.

If paint works in Frisian without the microsoft update please let me know

Berend Ytsma

Official Frisian translater of Opera, Maxthon, Avant, 7-zip


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Working on an updated Frisian translation for 3.20.

Something that I notice is, that if I use the Frisian Language which is displayed oké when using the langcode fy-nl(+updated special from MS)

I can't check for updates.

Wy is that

Official Frisian translater of Opera, Maxthon, Avant, 7-zip


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