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Having difficulties installing because of SP2...


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I'm not sure if people can help me with this since it isn't exactly about Paint.NET, but it won't let me install it since I can't install SP2 for Windows XP. I've tried fixing this and looking for solutions everywhere, and it even gave me a way to fix it on Microsoft, but there's one thing that is stopping me.


1. Check permissions on the Windows Update registry key

1. Click Start.

2. Choose Run.

3. In the Run box, type REGEDIT.

4. Click OK. The Registry Editor opens.


Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

5. Navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate.

6. On the menu, click Edit. Click Permissions.

7. For Administrator and System, select the Allow check boxes next to Full Control and Read permissions. NOTE: In certain instances, these check boxes are grayed out. Ensure all accounts have appropriate permissions.

8. Click Apply.

9. Click OK.

10. Close the Registry Editor.

11. Restart the system.

The part in bold is where I'm having a problem, and it's especially frustrating since it's so close to the end! The check boxes are grayed out, but there's still checks IN the boxes, and I'm not sure how to check that the accounts have appropriate permissions. The only thing I can really guess that is wrong is that they don't have Special Permissions, but it doesn't say that it's needed, and "Users (YOUR-ZR0DB6N7RW\Users)" only has "Read" permissions, but it didn't say anything about that either.

Please help!

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