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Jim100361 - My Stuff


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How do you think of these things ?

Warped sense of humor? Actually, I'd like to think that they're much like a joke. They're not really anything special unless delivered correctly, and that's all I attempt to do, deliver them properly. They're not really original anyways - like the mirror vs the Scope commercials of years past.

Anyways, in the next pic I thought I'd attempt to put a silver lining in an otherwise sad set of circumstances.


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This is such a great idea! I think that the flamingo might be a little big compared to the traffic light sign in the front, but it looks superb as is.

Dunno, I don't know how tall the birds can be. However, if it helps your perspective a bit, the actual legs break w/the water about the point where the darker waves end and the lighter shade starts. That puts it approx mid-way between the traffic light post and the sign for the traffic light (which is normally, I believe, 100 ft distance). This puts the flamingo about 50' closer to the camera than the traffic light. All that said though, I revert back to what I originally stated, I don't know how tall they are in real life.

But, I do thank you and Barbie for the compliments.

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Some interesting and wacky ideas you have got going.Photo-manip seems to be your forte.Love the flamingo.

Thanks Dug. Well it's certainly is where I tend to focus my "creativity" in art. It's not that I'm incapable of creating by hand, I just have a hard time translating things I can do by hand to something like paint.net. Here's some examples of some old stuff I've done:

My Dad:


Bill Cosby:


Lionel Richie:


You can see that a couple date back to '83.

At any rate, these were done using a #2 pencil (I never learned to use Charcoal). In drawing, I can feel the amount of pressure I'm applying w/my pencil to the lines and shades and I lose that in Paint.net. I think it's much more difficult (at least it is for me) to do these in paint.net.

I am truly amazed at those who can pull it off though. A thousand kudos goes out to those who can.

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Thank you ladies for the kind words and encouragement. I don't know when I'll do another drawing. It's been quite a long time. I think the one of my Dad was probably the last one I ever did. I don't know if I can translate those sorts of drawings into PDN. Maybe sometime I'll give it a try, but I don't suspect it'll be anytime soon. But, I appreciate the support and encouragement nonetheless.


After watching Yellowman's video tutorial for creating flexible pipe, I had to have a go at it:


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I must admit that the mad flash of frames at the end sort of spoils it for me.

Sorry about that. After fading out the background and then my screen name I wasn't sure how to transition back to the original picture. I'll have to give this some more thought. Maybe do a reverse transition. Shouldn't be too hard duplicating layers in reverse sequence - of course, that means more frames, but I'll give it a whirl.

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Thanks Welsh for the comments, and even more so for the inspiration for this piece (you da' man!) B) :


I probably could've done more, but after spending most of the day on it, I was getting tired. I wanted to do more w/the background, but anything that came to mind seemed like another lifetime of work ahead of me....!

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Nice outcome with the guitar. The red strings are not working for me - kinda confuses the eye too much to pick out the strings from the very nice red wood background. Overall a quite pleasing shape to the guitar esp. the bottom end. Good on you.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Nice outcome with the guitar. The red strings are not working for me - kinda confuses the eye too much to pick out the strings from the very nice red wood background. Overall a quite pleasing shape to the guitar esp. the bottom end. Good on you.

Sorry about the strings. I initially tried getting a gold/brown color to them to more closely reflect bronze windings on strings (I even initially tried to get detail to them, but when I reduced them, the detailing quickly gets lost). The "bronze" appeared to bright to me, so I adjusted the brightness and contrast down which resulted in them being more red.

Thanks again ladies for the compliments on the piece. Again, I want to thank Welsh for his piece for inspiring me to try my hand at it.

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I appeciate your modesty but I must say, I read a Photoshop tutorial awhile ago for doing a photorealistic guitar and after reading through it I didn't think I had the patience or ability to get anything near what they showed. It was however your piece that got me to give it a go. So, thanx again.

BTW, thanx too about the comment on the fretboard, that was actually the hardest part for me (as silly as that may sound for such a simple looking piece).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your work just get's better Jim :) High time you made some tutorials.

NN, thank you very much. As far as any tutorial is concerned, though I'm honored you think I should create one/some, I'm not sure that it's necessary. My work may be improving in different respects I guess, but there's nothing in anything I've done that isn't already demonstrated elsewhere in existing tutorials, so in my opinion there's not really anything new to offer.

I am however pleased and honored that you thought I should.

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