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Heya There, I don't know if this is the right place to ask this questiong, but it's something that's been bothering me. By the lack of complaints I've noticed about my issue I'm left ot assume that I've just yet to discover how to preform this action. Anyway, here goes:

In the old MSPaint, when I selected a region, I could drag it around and there was an option to make everything of the background color non-existant for the sake of the dragging (same with copy paste).

Now, I've got a layer that's all transparent except for a few lines, and I want to copy+paste these lines somewhat inbetween the other lines, and the result I get is that the transarency OVERRIDES the actual lines... How can I make the Transparency weaker?

I hope I explained myself well enough, If I haven't please tell me and I'll try to explain better.

Thanks in Advance

Now, I've got a layer that's all transparent except for a few lines, and I want to copy+paste these lines somewhat inbetween the other lines, and the result I get is that the transarency OVERRIDES the actual lines... How can I make the Transparency weaker?

copy+paste to new layer then merge down


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster


Rick, What Do I hear, that in the next versian of Windows Vista (meaning, second publically released final versian) that there going to be re-doing ms paint, to be comparrable to gimp, witch means, well... thats pretty much what Paint.NET is...


I can't comment officially (both because I don't know and because I wouldn't be allowed to), but I can pretty much assure you 100% that won't happen. Service Packs aren't generally meant to revamp existing features like that.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Now, I've got a layer that's all transparent except for a few lines, and I want to copy+paste these lines somewhat inbetween the other lines, and the result I get is that the transarency OVERRIDES the actual lines... How can I make the Transparency weaker?

copy+paste to new layer then merge down

Stupid me. I should of used my brain. I would have figured that out.

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