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Font preview / Colour picking

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I am a new user to paint.net, because the tool I used for complex image manipulation does not run on the OS of my new machine. Although I could easily purchase the newest version, I needed work on some pictures now. Paint.net was easily available and does most of the thins I need at the moment. In addition, it is officially supported at my work place, so it's a good idea to learn how to use it.

Paint.net has some great features and a cute UI, but there are some issues I would like to see improved. The one at the top of my list is the font preview. I am doing some text on a number of pictures and want to check out some fonts. Unfortunately I can't change the sample text in the font list (at least I do not know how).

However, meanwhile I found a even better function (actually the way I would like to see it). When the font list is open, I can scroll through the list and the text will instantly updated. Cool.

Great thing would be to move the color picker out from the tool box into the color selection, so that it would be always available. Also it would be useful to not only pick one pixel sometimes but the average of a greater area.



Edited by Werner
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Those are nifty ideas O-o

I don't personally care for the "move the color picker to the color box" though. I don't hate the idea, I just don't think it would ever make much of a difference to me.

In addition to the "average of an area", I think it might be useful in that case to be able to zoom in on the color wheel so you can get a bit more accuracy. I'm not talking 1000% view, not even 200%. Something like 110-120% to make an easier distinction on the gradient

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