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Jagged Lines

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Having now watched numerous tutorials and many 'pratise runs', I cannot yet understand how to eliminate the jagged lines I created after cutting out a selection of an image using the 'isimonbrown' tutorial.

You will see what I mean when you view the image magnified (although it looks OK in the thumb nail).

Would someone please give me the solution for removing the 'pixel jag'.

thanks, GK


Edited by Gloucesterkiwi
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We paint.net forumers use the term "pixelated edges" to describe this. There are a few plugins made just for your situation. Basic Anti-alias and AA's Assistant are the ones I use most often, but I know there is also the feather plugin and one more that I can't recall off the top of my head.

EDIT: here's the link to AA's assistant (that's the one I find most effective in most situations):

Edited by pdnnoob

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