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Unable to install paint.net


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Hi, I've been using PDN for years now and a few months ago, I had an OS crash, so to save me time and effort backing up everything and reinstalling the OS, I just installed the OS again, nice and new and drag'n'dropped my USER folder straight over to my new OS, granted it caused a few issues but hey, most, if not all of them are gone now (albeit I'm having issues with PDN).

Below is an image of what occurs each time I attempt to reinstall.


Here's a copy/paste of exactly what it says:

System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.FileSystem' threw an exception. ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Users\Josh\AppData\Local\Paint.NET\105045708' is denied.

at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames(String path, String userPathOriginal, String searchPattern, Boolean includeFiles, Boolean includeDirs, SearchOption searchOption)

at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)

at PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.FileSystem..cctor() in D:\src\pdn\pdn_35x\src\SystemLayer\FileSystem.cs:line 506

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

at PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.FileSystem.TryDeleteFile(String filePath)

at PaintDotNet.Setup.InstallingPage.<DoInstallation>d__21.MoveNext() in D:\src\pdn\pdn_35x\src\SetupFrontEnd\InstallingPage.cs:line 935

at PaintDotNet.Threading.IterativeTask.IterativeTaskAnon.<OnExecute>d__0.MoveNext() in D:\src\pdn\pdn_35x\src\Core\Threading\IterativeTask.cs:line 36

at PaintDotNet.Threading.IterativeTask`1.<>c__DisplayClass1.<StepTask>b__0() in D:\src\pdn\pdn_35x\src\Core\Threading\IterativeTask`1.cs:line 77

I am running a Windows 7 x64 Laptop attempting to install PDN v3.5.8 if that info helps at all.

I have googled and searched the forums however I haven't been able to find a fix for this, would be eternally grateful if someone could please shed some light onto this error and how I may be able to fix it, I'm happy to give you as much info as I possibly can, thank you.

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Have you got the .NET framework form Microsoft? I had to find and download that for it to work on my windows 7 laptop.

EDIT: Found link.

.NET Framework

Let me know whether that worked :)

Hey thanks for the response, I tried installing the .NET Framework about a month or so back, which helped a few other problems but didn't help PDN, which I was sure it would help, thanks though it's much appreciated but the problem persists still. I'll reinstall it now and give it a go, will tell you how it went.

EDIT: No, the problem still occurs, thanks though :(

Edited by JoycieC
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