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color bucket antialiase doesn't work

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hey folks,

i a beginner in paint.net which i therefore found a wounderful solution to edit pictures in a quick and simple way.

but i am missing one big thing.

i have a black written logo with some letters in blue and i want to change the color into green.

the problem is that at the edge of each letter the color is slightly different (light blue) to make it look smoother.

if i now take the color bucket and fill the letter up, the color changes but it gets filled with the same color until the edges and it doesn't look smooth again.

changing the antialias effekt doesn't effect anything - i need some help please!

post-85110-131480484128_thumb.png to post-85110-131480484658_thumb.png

i want to change the blue by green but with the lighter parts of the edges. simple and easy like refilling the colors.

is this possible with Paint.NET or should i consider to buy photoshop because of this lack of functionality?

best regards


Edited by fredellini
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You can also use the recolor tool to do this. Set the brush size to something large to speed up the process.

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You can also use the recolor tool to do this. Set the brush size to something large to speed up the process.

thank you - this is it!

for anybody that has the same problem:

1. click the recolor tool from the tool section

2. go with the mouse over the color you want to replace

3. hit ctrl + right click to make it secondary color

4. change the primary color to the replacing color (works also with hex-values)

5. use left mouse click to recolor the form (adjust the thickness of the brush to your needs)

the primary color should now replace the secondary color.

sometimes the color is a little bit out of tune. lower the percentage of the tolerance close to 0%.

best regards


Edited by fredellini
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