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File Association complete - no picture showing

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I love Paintdotnet and have recommended it so many times.

I just got my Windows 7 it is 64 bit and happy until I cannot see my photos on the icons. It is associated to .jpg as usual. Works to open in paintdotnet, but the icon does not show what is inside the file.

I really need to see the icon pict of the photo.

Can anyone help? I did turn off my UserAccount and completed the association. .


Thanks to all who help the needy - - - :roll:

Edited by pat71896
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Try changing the View to "Medium Icons" in your file explorer.

Note: this is a Windows setting and is not related to paint.net.

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I could not find anything like "file explorer" anywhere. I looked in Windows.

Since I am unfamiliar with windows 7, that is my problem. I am excited to get this fixed when someone can tell me about file explorer.

Thank you so much, Pat

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Is it all image files? Or just some files?

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It is all image files (non-video). I am so stumped and need to be defragged mentally.

I really did not think this would be difficult to fix but it is.

I did notice that when I right click on some of the files, they are still associated with Windows Photo Viewer. When I try to change that association, I get a "Winodws Shell Common DLL has stopped working." (I just saw this a few minutes ago.)

The association is correct in the Control Panel.


Edited by pat71896
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You need to take your questions to a Windows support forum.

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