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Request: 'Snap-to-grid' option or plugin?

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With all the many amazing plugins available for Paint.NET - include a Grid Maker - I had just assumed that there was a "Snap-to-grid" option available with some plugin somewhere. And, apparently, this feature has been asked for before, several years ago. And again more recently.

I'm just wondering if users will ever get to see such a feature or plug-in. Has it even been considered? If not, why?

Very frequently I find myself needing to lay out objects in a grid pattern and a snap-to-grid feature would make such tasks... a snap.

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we have a grid.. it comes standard, tho you will need to zoom a bit to see it after you turn it on

in the toolbar on top of pdn, just under the "window" tab is a grid button- "Display Pixel Grid When Zoomed In", right next to it is the ruler whic is also very helpful to line things up

and if i misunderstnd you and you want to create a grid ON the artwork, not just "above" it


effects>render> gridmaker

not sure if they are plugins.. will see if i can find them in the plugin index

http://forums.getpai...ted-2011-04-17/ - gridmaker is in this pack

if you want a bigger grid than the pixel grid gives, you could use gridmake to make a larger grid on a transparent top layer and then delete this layer when your finished

Edited by mountnman


SARCASM- Just one of the many services I offer free to the public.

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If you are laying things out in a grid pattern, you could drag them to approximately the correct position, then use the arrow keys for fine adjustments. It is not difficult, not a pain in the neck, and not even inconvenient or slow. I would, however, like to know how you think such a thing would be designed for maximum efficiency...

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