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Tearing an object in half

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Hello All,

I have searched google, PDN, and hades for a solution.

I am fairly new to PDN but love it so far.

I am creating a logo for my company and wanted to "cut" an object in half and place a saw blade in the middle (to give to appearance that it was cut). I thought about duplicating the layers, placing them apart and using the eraser or brush to give a jagged look?

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




Edited by zmrx
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So you want to cut that image in two halves and add some jaggy edges?

-Add a new layer and draw a vertical line in the center from top to bottom with width around 90 pix

-Then use the Glass Blocks effect with angle of 90 degrees to distort the edges of the line.

-Select the jagged line with Magic Wand tool, and switch to the background layer and hit delete on your keyboard

-Delete the line layer you no more need it.

If you would like to add some thickness to the image, then use Pyochild's Trail plugin

Something like this:

EDIT: sorry for misspelling


Edited by yellowman
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