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CodeLab reference TFM whatever


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Hi! I'm new to all this. I'm about to finish one plugin that will twist a selection (not just the whole document, like the standard Twist seems to do). So far it works great. It twists up to 360 degrees CW or CCW any elliptical region defined by the rectangle select. Attached is an image showing the effect. I did the twist on a b/w edge, then I lowered the contrast on the twisted part to mark the selection. First parameter is the angle. Second parameter is kind of a smoothness value. 1 means that we have a linear transition from zero to the maximum twist when we move from the edge of the ellipse to the centre. Values above 1 means the twist starts slowly. And 0 means we are rotating the whole ellipse, or actually the image inside the ellipse. I did include anti-aliasing, too.


Enough bragging, back to topic. CodeLab seems to be an excellent tool for writing plugins. But exactly what kind of manuals or references are there? The BoltBait pages seem to cover CodeLab itself. But I'd like to know more about available functions and classes. And more about the interface between the Paint.net document and my plugin script. It's too much guessing when browsing through the example code.

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The cats... That's funny!

There are already the build-in twist (and my twist with zoom) that are able to twist the selection (but we need to move the center of the effect.)

There is also a twist by Pyrochild


For the help, you could find something here:

And of course you could have a look in the source files (from my pack fro example).


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A lot of the info you probably want to find out about is part of Paint.net itself. However the source is NOT available - please don't ask for it.

If you use the plugin template (link in the post above above) with a copy of Visual Studio (even Express will suffice) you can use Intellisense to find a lot of the classes and methods.

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A lot of the info you probably want to find out about is part of Paint.net itself. However the source is NOT available - please don't ask for it.

If you use the plugin template (link in the post above above) with a copy of Visual Studio (even Express will suffice) you can use Intellisense to find a lot of the classes and methods.

Ok, then I know where I'm standing. I thought it was something like this. The data structures etc. relate to Paint.Net itself, not to some C# library. Then I guess it's all about studying available code for plugins and using the code completion of CodeLab 1.6 to figure out what everything is. It's a fun road to travel. Not a highway for a Ferrari and lots of traffic signs telling where and how to go, but a hiking path with a beautiful scenery.

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...I guess it's all about studying available code for plugins and using the code completion of CodeLab 1.6 to figure out what everything is.

Bingo boltbait.smile.png

Don't forget that posting your code here is a great way to get input and assistance figuring things out.

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