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Eraser Suggestion

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I have countlessly encountered occasions when I would desperately LOVE to make that line tool erase instead of draw.

The obvious advantage of this is being able to erase straight lines, but also you could wrap it around curves and adjust it as you go.

Currently the closest thing I can do to this is create a black or white line on a layer above, merge it down, then use the "Grim Color Reaper" plugin to do this. Provided that the image I want erased is either pure white, or pure black.

It's a bit of a step closer towards a pen tool in that you could cleanly cut out an image piece by piece rather than having to go at it all at once with a lasso tool.

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Currently the closest thing I can do to this is create a black or white line on a layer above, merge it down, then use the "Grim Color Reaper" plugin to do this. Provided that the image I want erased is either pure white, or pure black.

Instead, create a black line on a layer above, use it as an alpha mask.

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