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I can't think of an appropriate topic title

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Hi, I'm not quite a newbie, but a long time reader of this forum (and happy user of PDN). I recently wanted to download and use PDN on my netbook after having used it exclusively on my desktop. Needless to say, the netbook doesn't have a lot of hard drive space, and I've been freakishly fanatic about keeping only essential files and getting rid of unnecessary files on it.

I know I may be scolded for this, but some of these non-essential files that I delete are localization/language files which I don't believe I need once the program is installed and if needed a language is set. I haven't run into any errors thus yet and have been able recover up to half the disk space an installation takes up (from programs especially conscientious about including every possible country from Afghanistan to Zimbabwee). I kinda sorta did this on Paint.net (cringing here) with the resource files, but was panicked to find that it was not cool with my apparent discrimination of its non-English files. Thankfully it repaired itself, saving me from reinstall, but I guess I was wondering if PDN was indeed dependent on those files, and if not, if there may possibly be a way to get around its swift self-repair?

Considering how small the program already is, I know that this is understandably a moronic issue to bring up (and I may just have to accept that my obsession with disc space on my netbook is bordering on unhealthy) so I apologize profusely if I sound ungrateful or thankless. I can't live without Paint.NET.

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How about "Can the Paint.NET language files be deleted?"

Here's how to edit yout title:

1. Hit EDIT under your first post.

2. Hit the USE FULL EDITOR button.

3. Click in the title text box and overtype the original title.

4. Save changes.

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