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paint.net setup front end error

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Hi, I've used paint.net before for a while.

Last week my computer broke so I need to format and reinstall windows.

This time I cannot install paint.net at all, after the setup finished extracting the files then I got this window


In PdnSetup folder there's no files, but outside the folder there's PdnSetupShim.log.

Here's the content

--- Paint.NET SetupShim starting, lpCmdLine='/suppressReboot', nCmdShow=10
CoInitialize(NULL) returned 0
pIAA = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AutomaticUpdates) returned 0
pIAA->Pause() returned 0
Checking OS requirement
bIsWin7 = false
bIsVistaSP1 = false
bIsVista = false
bIs2003SP2 = false
bIs2003 = false
bIsXPSP3 = true
bIsXP = true
bResult = true
EnsureOSRequirement() returned 0
Called EnsureTrustedInstallerIsEnabledAsync()
Checking .NET requirement
bIsNetfx40ClientInstalled = false
bIsNetfx35SP1Installed = true
bIsNetfx35SP1ClientInstalled = false
bIsNetfx20Installed = true
bIsSupportedNetfxInstalled = true
bIsNetfxInstallerPresent = true
PreInstallPrompt() returned true
InstallNetfx() returned 0
Launching Paint.NET installer. bRebootRequired=false
Done. nReturnVal=-2146233082
--- Exiting, nReturnVal=80131506

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I just fixed it, it suddenly works. What I did is completely remove the all .net frameworks. Be sure to uninstall the higher version first.

After that install again the .net frameworks, open the setup, and suddenly it started working.

I find it weird why other programs already worked fine but only paint.net not working.

Anyway it's already working now. I think you need to update the guide, rather than repairing (what I also did before). Completely remove all the .net frameworks and reinstall them fixed the problem.

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This thread is old, and therefore dead in terms of it's activity (dormant for almost 5 months.)

Please restate your problem in a new thread - it helps to keep things current.


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