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Manuals & Printing

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I've quickly come to the realisation that there are a lot of people out there who know everything that there is to know about Paint.Net. Have any of you, I wonder, ever considered writing a manual or creating context sensitive Help? I realise that this would be a very big undertaking. I'm also aware that Paint.Net is continually being developed but the main issues could still be written-in. I'm very new to it so it's no good asking me to do it, although I wouldn't mind doing the actual writing as long as I'm told what to write. Its a bit of a nuisance having to troll through the forum to find answers to everything; which might not be there and then having to ask the community, which might quite soon give me the answer but isn't instant. And the trouble is - I always get sidetracked by some other interesting looking snippet that takes my eye.


Is there any chance of a patch to allow Print Preview? I wouldn't be surprised to be told that it is a plan for V4. But I have no plans to upgrade from XP to Windows 7 at the moment. Paint.Net, I suppose, is mainly geared towards photo printing. But if one wished one could use it to design wedding invitation cards etc. But printing these from within Paint.Net is a bit obtuse. 'Go and get a card design program then, if that's what you want to do'. I know, but I'm falling in love with Paint.Net and I'm not ready for a divorce yet.


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