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memory spike

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hi i use a memory cleaner that calls on a window api to clean system memory every 15 minutes http://www.pcwintech.com/cleanmem and i had paint.net excluded from cleaning after working on a pic and flattening and saving after ten minutes i noticed memory use at 50 percent i never seen it that high before i have 4 gb i was just wondering if i should take it off the ignore list or leave it alone thanks

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Memory "cleaners" and "optimizers" are snake oil. Uninstall that fraudulent garbage.

... the most common usage of the phrase (snake oil) is as a derogatory term for quack medicine

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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i use it mostly because of firefox its notorious for memory leaking are you planning to tap into cuda like a lot of programs are doing nowadays like 1e9 and firefox ive read that Paint.NET is great with multiple cores but no mention of tapping into cuda thanks

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A memory "cleaner" cannot simply go in and "fix" memory leaks in Firefox. This assumes that said memory leaks are real, and not just a marketing ploy from someone trying to sell you a memory cleaner.

You have been mislead. Like I said, you should uninstall that garbage.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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i do know that type of cleaners you talk about i tried them out and would cause my computer to stumble around for a few minutes seemed real hard on computer because almost all over loads the memory to flush it out which makes the computer almost un-usable for a few minutes but this one runs in the task schuduler and calls on windows to do the cleaning so it doesn't do the cleaning windows does because its built into windows i babysat it for like 2 months after installing using Mark Russinovich Process Explorer and it only comes on when the task scheduler told it and only stays on for a second the only thing i had to put on the ignore list is window blinds because dragging explorer folders around it wouldnt show contents but i believe thats only because window blinds replaces some files like uxtheme.exe and a few more but loads into system memory also this has a optional notification icon that i never hide heres pic post-78124-129736906014_thumb.png i just thought it was strange when it hit 50 percent memory use never seen before so i thought id say something i come everyday to the forum and try and follow the tutorials but even with all the plugins its still has a lot to do with art and skill ive tried almost all of the free graphic programs out there and didnt like none of them paint.net its the only one designed right in my book

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You've been told by people who know that it's rubbish. If you continue to use it, what it reports is your problem. It is not an issue with Paint.NET.

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