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45 degree Triangle with price. How do i....?

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Dear All,

I am busy filling content of a website and need to change a lot of pictures.

All the pics shud have a triangle in the upper right corner, 45 degrees, with a price (€345,--)

One color, with white font.

I need to change a hundred pics and am not very good with Paint.

Is there anybody who could help me with a simple How To...

Ur help is much appreciated and TIA


Edited by BNR
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if you already have the picture with the triangle, but the wrong price, you could use rectangle select to isolate the numbers, then bucket fill them to get rid of them, run AA's assistant to get rid od any whitespots, then i would open a new layer, add the new price, then use a selection tool, and the move selected pixel tool to position it

if you just have the basic pictures.. you create a base "mask", a simple border with the triangle, leave the center transparent

open the pic you need to update, add a layer, import the mask, then add the new price

neither system is very fast, someone else might have a much better idea


SARCASM- Just one of the many services I offer free to the public.

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In my opinion locking the price into the image is just going to cause you angst. You have already found that it's a long boring process to reprice a large number of items. Are you going to repeat this process in three months when prices are changed again?

My suggestion (for your sanity): remove the price from the image and find another method of displaying it. If you need to cover the current price in the image, slap on the company logo in that corner. Do this and you'll never need to change these images again. boltbait.smile.png

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Thx for replying guys.

MM: I will try ur solution and see if i can get a routine in that

EER: The price is must. We have the pics without price now. By showing the price we could make the product more interesting and move the pot. customer to click on it.

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possibe long term solution:

If all images have same background, Select the triangle with a Rectangle select, tool lasso it, or just erase it with eraser.

pickup adjacent color then paint bucket area.

copy that area, and then paste it into each picture, thus eliminating price.

Next make triangles with prices and save each one.

3rd open new file import picture on one layer and price on second layer.

Edited by Flipper
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Open the example image in Paint.NET.

Use the Color Picker tool on the red of the triangle.

Add a new layer.

Use the Line / Curve tool with a large brush size, and with the Shift key down.

Make a line at a 45 degree angle.



Use the Move Selected Pixels tool to position the line as a corner triangle.



Delete the bottom layer, and save the file as a re-usable template PNG file.




Open each new picture, and import the template.

Layers > Import From File...


Make a New Layer.

Set the Primary color to white.

Add the price text with the Rotate Text plugin.

Position it in the corner using the Move Selected Pixels tool.


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