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Unable to install Paint.net on W7 x86

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I'm trying to install Paint.Net on my laptop. It's a HP 6930p with a legit up-to-date Windows 7 Home Premium 32 Bits.

When I double-click on the setup file, I have a Paint.Net window that pops up saying it's extracting files. Shortly after that, the window closes and a new one appears for less than a second. Then, nothing happens... Not even an error message.

There is no trace of a previous installation, not in Windows "Programs", not in Revo Uninstaller, not in Windows Install Clean-Up.

- I launched the executable file with administrator rights

- I deactivated my antivirus (AVG 2011)

- I cleaned up my temp folder

- I restarted the computer

- I tried with Windows XP compatibility

I may have forgotten to list some steps I already did.

The only log file I have in my %temp% folder is the "PdnSetupShim.log" (I used to have the other ones, but I deleted it for troubleshooting reasons and they do not appear anymore), here is the content :

--- Paint.NET SetupShim starting, lpCmdLine='/suppressReboot', nCmdShow=10
CoInitialize(NULL) returned 0
pIAA = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AutomaticUpdates) returned 0
pIAA->Pause() returned 0
Checking OS requirement
   bIsWin7 = true
   bIsVistaSP1 = true
   bIsVista = true
   bIs2003SP2 = true
   bIs2003 = true
   bIsXPSP3 = true
   bIsXP = true
   bResult = true
EnsureOSRequirement() returned 0
Called EnsureTrustedInstallerIsEnabledAsync()
Checking .NET requirement
   bIsNetfx40ClientInstalled = true
   bIsNetfx35SP1Installed = true
   bIsNetfx35SP1ClientInstalled = false
   bIsNetfx20Installed = true
   bIsSupportedNetfxInstalled = true
   bIsNetfxInstallerPresent = true
PreInstallPrompt() returned true
InstallNetfx() returned 0
Launching Paint.NET installer. bRebootRequired=false
Done. nReturnVal=-1073741790
--- Exiting, nReturnVal=c0000022

Could someone please help me ?

Thank you

edit : I didn't empty the recycle bin, so I still have my "PdnSetupNgenInstall" file :

16/01/2011 18:38:19 - Opening log
16/01/2011 18:38:19 - args[0] = /delete
16/01/2011 18:38:19 - args[1] = DESKTOPSHORTCUT=
16/01/2011 18:38:19 - args[2] = PDNUPDATING=
16/01/2011 18:38:19 - args[3] = SKIPCLEANUP=
16/01/2011 18:38:19 - args[4] = PROGRAMSGROUP=
16/01/2011 18:38:19 - args[5] = QUEUENGEN=
16/01/2011 18:38:21 - /delete specified, setting delete=true
16/01/2011 18:38:21 - Starting ngen queueing
16/01/2011 18:38:21 - InstallAssembly(Interop.WIA.dll, True, False, False)
16/01/2011 18:38:21 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "Interop.WIA"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:22 - InstallAssembly(ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll, True, False, False)
16/01/2011 18:38:22 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:23 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.Base.dll, True, False, False)
16/01/2011 18:38:23 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.Base"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:23 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.Native.x64.dll, True, False, False)
16/01/2011 18:38:23 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.Native.x64"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:24 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.Native.x86.dll, True, False, False)
16/01/2011 18:38:24 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.Native.x86"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:24 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.dll, True, False, False)
16/01/2011 18:38:24 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.SystemLayer"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:25 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.Resources.dll, True, False, False)
16/01/2011 18:38:25 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.Resources"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:25 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.Core.dll, True, False, False)
16/01/2011 18:38:25 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.Core"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:25 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.Data.dll, True, False, False)
16/01/2011 18:38:25 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.Data"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:26 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.Effects.dll, True, False, False)
16/01/2011 18:38:26 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.Effects"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:26 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.exe, True, False, False)
16/01/2011 18:38:26 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:31 - InstallAssembly(Interop.WIA.dll, True, False, True)
16/01/2011 18:38:31 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "Interop.WIA"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:31 - InstallAssembly(WiaProxy32.exe, True, False, True)
16/01/2011 18:38:31 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "WiaProxy32"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - InstallAssembly(PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.Native.x86.dll, True, False, True)
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - run:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe uninstall "PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.Native.x86"  /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Paint.NET"
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - Finished with ngen queueing
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - set programsShortcutGroup=
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - GetSpecialFolderPath(25)
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - SHGetFolderPath(32793)
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - SHGetFolderPath returning C:\Users\Public\Desktop
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - GetSpecialFolderPath(csidl=25) returning C:\Users\Public\Desktop
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - GetSpecialFolderPath(23)
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - SHGetFolderPath(32791)
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - SHGetFolderPath returning C:\Users\pomme\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Programs
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - GetSpecialFolderPath(csidl=23) returning C:\Users\pomme\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Programs
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - linkName=Paint.NET
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - description=Créer, modifier, numériser et imprimer des images et des photographies.
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - desktopLinkPath=C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Paint.NET.lnk
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - programsShortcutDir=C:\Users\pomme\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Programs
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - programsLinkPath=C:\Users\pomme\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Programs\Paint.NET.lnk
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - workingDirectory=C:\Program Files\Paint.NET
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - targetPath=C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\PaintDotNet.exe
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - retrieving HKLM\SOFTWARE\Paint.NET\ProgramsShortcutPath
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - path=C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Paint.NET.lnk
16/01/2011 18:38:32 - IsPathInDirectory(C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Paint.NET.lnk, C:\Users\pomme\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Programs)
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - Exception in IsPathInDirectory(): System.IndexOutOfRangeException: L'index se trouve en dehors des limites du tableau.
  à PaintDotNet.SetupNgen.IsPathInDirectory(String path, String directory) dans D:\src\pdn\pdn_35x\src\SetupNgen\SetupNgen.cs:ligne 347
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - IsPathInDirectory(C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Paint.NET.lnk, C:\Users\pomme\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Programs) returning False
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - deletion not allowed, location check failed
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - about to register shell extension
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - ... 32-bit
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - shellExtensionPaths[0] = C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\ShellExtension_x86.dll
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - ... unregister shell extension
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - ... 0: CLSID\{D292F82A-50BE-4351-96CC-E86F3F8049DA}
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - Closing log
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - Opening log
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - args[0] = /cleanUpStaging
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - args[1] = C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\\Staging
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - deleting: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\\Staging\PaintDotNet_1585419903.msi
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - rmdir: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\\Staging
16/01/2011 18:38:33 - Closing log

Edited by PommeGranny
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do you have XP? if so do you have Service Pack 3 installed? i had a problem because i didn't have SP3 that prevented PDN installing

The thread title says W7 and the post says Windows 7 and the log says bIsWin7 = true... :roll:


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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The return code from the installer is c0000022. A quick web search shows this means something related to "access denied."

- I tried with Windows XP compatibility

Bad idea. It usually hurts more if you "push random buttons" in an attempt to solve something like this. (This can be bad along with "oh I went into the registry and deleted anything that said Paint.NET." This causes us developers to cringe and cry.)

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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