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Floating Tools Issues

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If you open a dialog in paint.net then the border elements of the main window and the panels will not be deactivated.

I expect this has to do with some code which keeps all panels in active state.

It is not a big deal but a little bit against the standard user experience, or?

Edited by midora

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- click on the 'Tools' panel titel

- type the shortcut 'S' multiple times. The selection of the selection tools should jump from one to the next.

- click somewhere in the image area.

- type the shortcut 'S' multiple times. The selection of the selection tools toggles.

Because the user has no visual cue if a panel window or the main window is active, it maybe confusing that the shortcuts are not working sometimes. The panel should route WM_KEYDOWNs to the main window.

This has to do with the active state of the windows. I.e. if you click a panel then you can open the system menu of this panel by pressing ALT and then cursor down. I'm guessing that paint.NET manipulates the WM_NCACTIVATE messages to get the effect that the main window and all panels show the active look at the same time. This is also the reason for the problem I mentioned in the first message of this thread.

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Here an other small issue. Maybe someone could rename the thread title to something like "Floater issues" :-)

If a modal dialog is open in Paint.NET and you are clicking on a floater window then you hear just the system beep. It would be nice if the behavior would be the same as clicking the main window title. Means:

If the application is in background, bring it to foreground and do not beep. (In the moment it stays in background).

If the application is in foreground flash the modal dialog and beep.

This can be implemented easily by catching WM_SETCURSOR message and checking for HTERROR.

Remark: Just that there is no misunderstanding. I really like the GUI of Paint.NET.

midoras signature.gif

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Maybe someone could rename the thread title to something like "Floater issues" :-)

As the originator of the thread you can rename it yourself. Click on the EDIT button in the first post and overtype the thread title. Easy.

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Thanks, I had no idea that I have to enter the full editor mode to do this.

I must remember to point that out. I do it so unconsciously I forget to mention it boltbait.roll.png

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