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I have been using paint.net for a while now to edit images and paint Flight sim aircraft...but just recently i havent been able to get it reinstalled, i had found someones help topic on here and tried it but worked only for a while so i removed it and then reinstalled it. Now it goes through the install, all looks ok then, it shows up with some front end error!!

ay idea what would cause that?

i do have .net service pack 3 i belive...im on my dads computer...

Darren Elliott

Image Maximizing Genius




Posted (edited)

You need to have Microsoft NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

ah thanks....ill have to download that again soon...

btw would .net 4 be better or is it only allowing .net 3.5 sp1??

Edited by darrenvox

Darren Elliott

Image Maximizing Genius




Posted (edited)

.NET 4 is only used in a few corner cases. You should, in general, just install 3.5 SP1.

i have it already installed and i cant seem to get it uninstalled...im asking at msn's forum...ill be back later this week with thats going on

EDIT....i finally got the .net framework fixed and its installing the program...by twe way paint.net 3.5.5 includes .net framwork i needed...

love paint.net....best since having photoshop 6.0 for all these years

Edited by darrenvox

Darren Elliott

Image Maximizing Genius




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