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Dev Team wants to know: Which Windows OS are you running?

Which OS?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Which OS?

    • Windows XP
    • Windows 2000
    • Windows Vista
    • Windows Server 2003

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Just wondering what OS everyone is using right now.

If you're on Win2K, please explain why. For example: why haven't you upgraded your OS in the last 7 years? Preference? Cost? Apathy? I'm not trying to ask this in a confrontational sense, I'm honestly curious.

And yes, the reason I'm asking is because we're seriously considering dropping Win2K support in the very near term.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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I can not pick more than one OS. :(

I use both Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.

Does it matter with XP if it is home or pro? If so, I use 'pro'.

On a side note: I sooooo wish I could drop 9x, 2K, and XP

You know, Rick, you could just send the Current OS along with the request for update inside of the Paint.net updater... ;)

(It wouldn't be right, but you could do it.)

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I can not pick more than one OS. Sad

I use both Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.

Does it matter with XP if it is home or pro? If so, I use 'pro'.

Just pick which OS you use the most or like more or that wins a coin toss, I guess. Pro vs. Home doesn't matter.

You know, Rick, you could just send the Current OS along with the request for update inside of the Paint.net updater... ;)

The updater works by downloading a text file and parsing its contents. This text file is called the update manifest. All the work is done client side. There's no web service or stats tracking beyond what the regular HTTP server provides (like AWstats or whatever).

The filename of the manifest that is downloaded incorporates the schema revision, Windows version, and CPU platform that the user is on. Schema revision 2 is what Paint.NET 2.6 through 2.72 use. So all I have to do is ensure that the update manifest targeted at Win2K users doesn't include anything newer than 2.72. Like I said though, this is all done client side so the client can, of course, lie through its teeth and pretend it's a Windows version 7.0 on an Itanium or something.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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atm Windows XP, but I'm not happy about it since it's too buggy and doesn't meet my expectations of a perfect os in many points :roll:

However, since I have even worse impressions from linux (well, not in the bug point, but in the "perfect os" point :roll:), i currently try to do a better one myself :P

However, I will stick with XP for another decade for sure; please keep pdn compatible with that :wink:

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