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2.72 Open bitmap very slow

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Dear Group,

I've been weaning myself away from Microsoft Paint by using Paint.NET 2.72 for editing small graphics to be used as icons. This has happened a few times:

I select a small BMP (< 20 KB) and click Open in the Open dialog box, and the dialog box "freezes". Checking the Windows XP task manager, I see that PainDotNet.exe is using about 50% of the CPU resources and the I/O Read Bytes number is climbing rapidly. After about 90 seconds or so PaintDotNet.exe has read 574 MB of data and the Open dialog box finally closes, displaying the little bitmap I selected in the workspace.

This also happens if I simply open the Open dialog box and click Cancel!! 90 seconds later or so, over 550 MB of data has been read and the Open dialog box finally closes. To verify the numbers I just opened a small bitmap and then simply opened the Open dialog box and canceled it...the total I/O Read Bytes for those two operations was 1145 MB...and it took around 4 minutes.

My w/s is a Sony Vaio with a 2.8 GHz Intel processor and 2 GB of RAM. I'm just mystified by this. Any ideas?

Steve Erbach

Neenah, WI


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Sounds like you have a shell extension of some sort that is doing Very Weird Things. The only thing Paint.NET does after displaying that dialog is 1) open and read the file, 2) write a registry setting so it remembers the folder you used. I've never seen any behavior like this on any of the systems I use or see other people using.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Regarding "Very Weird Things", I think that you're onto something. I've been experiencing VWT in other programs: VS 2005, IE 6, Outlook...I would guess that Paint.NET is caught up in the general malaise.

Thank you for the details about what happens when a file is opened.

Steve Erbach

Neenah, WI


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Actually now that I think of it, I remember seeing something kinda similar in a different program (it used .NET but was not Paint.NET). There was some kind of sync software that came with some mobile device my friend had, or it was some kind of weird backup extension to the shell, and it caused this type of perpetual hang and CPU/disk activity. Maybe you have something similar going on.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Thanks for the additional insight. I just sent a pdncrash.log created this morning when I allowed the Open dialog to sit without opening a graphic for a bit. After about 220 MB of I/O Read Bytes, I opened a 6 MB TIFF file that expands to something like 224 MB in RAM. After 600+ MB of I/O Read the pdncrash.log was created.

I believe I've got a flakey NIC. I upgraded the driver this morning and I'm watching the Local Area Connection Status window fairly closely.

Thanks again for your attention to this issue.

Steve Erbach

Neenah, WI


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