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Punto switcher crashing paint.net

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Hi. I noticed that when Punto Switcher http://punto.yandex.ru/ (this is automatical layout switcher) replacing text during using text tool Paint.net crasing.

Steps to reproduce:

1. You must install Punto Switcher :)

2. You must have two or more layouts in system (I have RU and EN)

3. Run Paint.net

4. Begin entering some text with text tool

5. Push Pause/Break key (default hot key for fixing layout for last entered text)

6. Crash!

You also can just enter some text with wrong layout and when punto try to fix it Paint.net crash as well.

Crash log attached.

If this matter OS - Windows 7 x86_64


Edited by urandom
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Then Punto has a bug, and they should fix it. Report this to them.

Any time you use some niche utility that installs a hook, and then an app crashes, it's the utility's fault and not the app's.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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