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Randomly Transparent?

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Its not a huge deal, seeing as I can just change it, though it gets annoying.

Sometimes when I go to use the paint fill tool my color oddly changes to 0 Transparency, making me fill it in with invisibleness. I've checked everything I could think of, and ruled out the possibility of accidently clicking something or a silly mistake. If anyone knows why, please help.

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Strange. I have another, a bit opposite, problem.

If I fill a part of a drawing with a colour, I can’t later fill it with a transparent. (Make the layer under it visible) I haven’t figured it out yet.

Not a big deal, but now you mentioned it.

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


Some people seek justice so persistent, that they will do great injustice themselves.

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Leif, try turning off Alpha Blending before you do that next time...sounds like that might be your problem.

And Hellfire, I haven't noticed what you're talking about...that's strange.

Problem solved. I use Alpha Blending when I draw lines. I gees I wasn’t paying attention to it afterwards.

Thanks for your help. :D

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


Some people seek justice so persistent, that they will do great injustice themselves.

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